History of Oil Wars - Relevant Links and Updates
ExxonMobil and BP turn to the U.S. government 

US Bases in Afghanistan to Protect Oil Pipelines

Carve-up of oil riches begins

U.S.-British Pipeline Company formed to pump Caspian sea

The Bush administration went ahead with the oil pipeline deal

Ashcroft and Cheney tied to Big Oil campaign contributions

Report Alleges US Role in Angola Arms-for-Oil Scandal

The emeging connection between oil plans and 9-11

World Bank chief in talks over massive central Asian pipeline

Afghanistan plans gas pipeline

Oil fuels US army role in Georgia

America Goes Into the Energy Business With Russia

U.S. bases pave the way for intervention in Central Asia

The Pipeline Plots

Oil Company Adviser Named U.S. Rep to Afghanistan

Russia Wins the Afghanistan Oil War

The Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC)

Ownership structure of CPC

As the War Shifts Alliances, Oil Deals Follow

U.S. Oil War Caspian Pipeline Opens

U.S. efforts to make peace summed up by 'oil'

"The United States of Oil"

U.S. Policy Towards Taliban Influenced by Oi

"You've Got to Go Where the Oil Is"

Another point of view?

Iraq War Photos

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