The  Writings  Of  Robert  Fisk

Read what Australia's most respected journalist Alan Ramsey of the Sydney of the Sydney Morning Herald has to say about
Robert Fisk and one of his dispatches in an
article published on Saturday 14 Sep 2002

Robert Fisk.Com

Robert Fisk, a world renowned Middle East correspondent for London's Independent, currently resides in Beirut. Mr. Fisk received a Ph. in Political Science from Trinity College Dublin in 1985 and an Honorary Doctorate of Literature and Journalism from the University of Lancaster, England. He was The Times Belfast correspondent from 1971 to 1975, and its Middle East correspondent from 1976 to 1987. Fisk has covered the recent conflict in Northern Ireland, Israeli invasions of Lebanon, the Iranian Revolution, the Iran-Iraq war, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Gulf War, wars in Bosnia and Algeria, NATO war with Yugoslavia, and the Palestinian uprisings. Fisk was the winner of the Amnesty Int UK Press Awards in 1998 for his reports from Algeria and in 2000  for his articles on NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. He was awarded the John Hopkins prize for international journalism. Fisk is theauthor of three books:The Point of No Return: The Strike which Broke the UK in Ulster...In Time of War: Ireland, Ulster, & the Price of Neutrality (1982, 83) and Pity the Nation: Lebanon at War (1990, 1992). Most recently Fisk contributed a chapter to Iraq Under Siege: the Deadly Impact of Sanctions and War (2000)
Selected Works
Archive Of Independent Articles
Archive Of Fisk Stories
Progressive Interview July 1998
Progressive Interview Oct 2001
Occupied Lebanon
Myth of the 'Pax Americana'
Osama bin Laden: The godfather of terror?
Divided kingdom that became acradle for killers
Not a war on terror. It's a fight against US enemies
Sharon hides his failure withclichés of 'terror'
'Shadows' awaits Israel's Lebanese allies
Lagoons gone, the Marsh Arabs have no refuge
Story of dispossessed people
Death in Bethlehem, made in America
Saddam Hussein: The last great tyrant
The legacy of Ariel Sharon
Journalists Israeli Lies
The Doomed People
Another Afghan Disaster Aug 2002
Afghanistani Backlash Aug 2002
Iraq Crisis September 2002
Arabs In USA September 2002
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