Never let facts spoil an opportunity   Alan Ramsey - Sydney Morning Herald - September 14 2002

Robert Fisk writes from Beirut about the cauldron of the Middle East. He has been doing so for 25 years. Nobody writes with greater authority or standing. His newspaper these days is The Independent of London, one of the great newspapers of the English language.

One other point: Fisk is reviled by the Israeli Government and its extremists. Three days ago, in a week of excess and manipulation, Fisk wrote an article that was the sanest, most rational thing said, that I saw, about one of - but not the only, by any means - the more insane events of recent time.

It began like this: "September 11 did not change the world. Indeed, for months afterwards, no-one was allowed even to question the motives of the mass murderers. To point out they were all Arabs and Muslims was fair enough. But any attempt to connect these facts to the region they came from - the Middle East - was treated as a form of subversion; because, of course, to look too closely at the Middle East would raise disturbing questions about the region, about Western policies in those tragic lands, and about America's relationships with Israel. Yet now, at last, President Bush's increasing manic administration has spotted the connection - and is drawing all the wrong conclusions ..."

Fisk does not overstate reality. His article appeared the same day our Prime Minister spoke to the National Press Club in Canberra. That day, of course, was September 11. John Howard rarely appears at the Press Club now that he is Prime Minister unless he is campaigning for votes. That he did so this week underscores the significance he gives the need to campaign for Bush. But it was one of the better questions asked of Howard that echoed the very same "disturbing questions" raised by Fisk.

Q: "Analysts have observed that a war in Iraq might stoke more Arab discontent and therefore terrorism. What do you say to those in the Arab world who have been saying there's been UN resolutions against Israel that have been ignored for decades, [and] why go after Iraq but not Israel?"

Howard: "Well, you're not dealing with a similar situation. I mean, Israel, for all that many people will criticise it - like any other nation it is not beyond reproach - Israel is the one full, truly functioning democracy in the Middle East. The rule of law, even at the height of the most difficult situations between the Palestinians and the Israelis, still prevails there. I'm not aware Israel has a stockpile [or has] used chemical agents. I don't think the sort of things of which Saddam Hussein has been guilty can be said of Israel. 

"I think it's also fair to say it has been the policy of the Australian Government - and I'm very pleased there's been a more open expression of it from the United States in recent months - that the long-term solution in the Middle East is a home state for the Palestinians as well as the protection of the right of Israel to exist behind secure and internationally recognised boundaries."

Delicately worded and disingenuous waffle. Howard ignored the question's central point: the clear double standard of Israel's 35-year defiance, with impunity , of UN Security Council resolutions urging its withdrawal from those Palestinian territories seized by Israeli forces in the 1967 Six-Day War, among them the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

And how, pray, does "the rule of law" fit the atrocity of missiles, tanks and helicopter gunships responding to the atrocity of suicide bombers?

Simon Crean is no more immune where US and/or Israeli embarrassments are involved. On Melbourne talkback radio two days ago, a caller asked if Crean was aware of a recent report in The New York Times, quoting leaked Pentagon documents, that the US supplied Iraq with the wherewithal for chemical weapons during the Iraq/Iran war in the 1980s? Why, therefore, should Australia now become involved "in trying to destroy the Frankenstein monster the US created in the first place?"

Crean's reply was extraordinary.

"Well, I am aware of that report," he said. "I think it's important that if evidence is established that someone like Saddam Hussein has built the capacity [to unleash mass destruction] and is prepared to threaten, then that is a threat to all. And that's why I've consistently said, if the case can be made, the evidence produced, the coalition built, [then] we will support [military] action [against Iraq]. But what I'm sick and tired of hearing is the Prime Minister saying, 'We've got the evidence but I'm not going to tell you what it is.' And I'm sick and tired of hearing the Government saying simply, 'Because they [Iraq] haven't complied [with UN resolutions], that's all you need to know.' If that's the case, we've known that for two years. I think we've got a Government that's playing with the circumstances rather than confiding in the Australian people ..."

We've got an Opposition Leader "playing with the circumstances", too. Just as Howard had done, Crean ignored the question. He skewed what he'd been asked, to fit the only matter he wanted to talk about, which was to criticise Howard. Crean wanted to play the point-scoring game. He did not want to get drawn into criticism of past US policy of arming Iraq against an earlier Arab "bogyman" of the Reagan years. And Crean's caller never got the chance to protest. The obliging talkback host cut him off.

The irony of US military support for Iraq by Reagan's administration in the '80s is no less aching than the grim reality of the view of a good part of the rest of the world to exactly what is meant by September 11. As Robert Fisk wrote three days ago: "If you talk to a Palestinian in Lebanon about the September massacre, he will assume you are referring to the slaughter, at the hands of Israel's militia allies, of 1700 Palestinians in Beirut in September of 1982. Just as Chileans, when hearing the phrase 'September 11', will think of 11 September 1973, when an American-supported coup d'etat led to the overthrow of the Allende government and the deaths of thousands of Chileans.

"Talk to Syrians about a massacre and they will think first of all of the killing of up to 20,000 Syrians in the Islamist uprising at Hama. Talk about massacres to the Kurds and they will tell you about Halabja; to the Iranians and they will tell you about Khorramshahr; to the Algerians and they will think of Bentalha and a whole series of other village atrocities that have cost the lives of 150,000 Algerians.

"The truth is that the Arabs, like Chileans and other people far from the new centre of total world power, are used to mass killing. They know what war is like, and quite a number of Lebanese asked me in the days after September 11 - our September 11, that is - if George Bush really did think America was at war. 

"They weren't doubting the nature of the [aircraft suicide] attacks. They were just wondering if the US President knew what a real war was like. In Lebanon, you have to remember, 150,000 men, women and children were killed in 16 years; 17,500 of them - almost six times the total of US dead of September 11, and almost all of them civilians - were killed in just the summer of 1982, during Israel's bloody invasion of their little country, an invasion to which the US had given a green light.

"And in many cases, of course, the dead - particularly in Lebanon, and ever more frequently in the Israeli-occupied territories - are being killed by American weapons. 

"In the Palestinian town of Beit Jala, for example, almost all the missiles fired into Palestinian houses [in recent reprisals] were made by the Boeing company. Only in the Arab world has the terrible irony been noted that the very same company that made those weapons also produced the airliners used to attack the US [a year ago] ..."

Perhaps now you understand why much of official Israel detests Fisk. Nobody could fail to be moved by the power and grim elegance of what he writes. Nor could you not admire the unblinkered perspective he brings to what is happening in the Middle East. His essays are a far cry from the careful pap we get from so many political leaders. 

But even the pap is mild fare alongside the malevolent moans to be heard from the obsessed in this country's Jewish lobby when they put their mind to it. They will have no truck with criticism of Israel and its policies. And they will write letters, send emails and insinuate any voice of influence they can reach to make their displeasure known.

I had a political friend of 25 years who took sneering objection to a Saturday column dealing with US policy on Afghanistan post-September 11 last year. We had a sharp, expletive-laden exchange by phone. We have not spoken since. You have either to be Jewish or wholly uncritical, apparently, to voice an opinion on such issues. Two days ago, after writing about the double standards that do not seem to trouble either our Prime Minister or the US President in what they see as the "responsibilities" of the UN Security Council, I was accused, along with ignorance, of "knee-jerk anti-Americanism".

I am not anti-American and I am not anti-Semitic. I am anti-bullshit. And what I do resent, deeply, is that so many Americans think and behave as if nothing ever happens unless it happens to their country, and then, when it does happen to them, that somehow it is uniquely their experience.

That, to me, is the true lesson of September 11, 2001.