George Bush - The  Unauthorized  Biography
by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin
We want to issue a special welcome to all those who are visiting our page after reading the Gary Webb series in the San Jose Mercury-News.

Gary Webb has performed an important public service by re-opening Iran-contra, which Bush had done everything to cover up.

The Bush biography published by Anton Chaiktin and myself in 1992 already documents how, under National Security Decision Directives 2 and 3, George Bush was responsible for the White House crisis staffs of the Reagan Administration and thus for all the covert operations of the 1980's, including deliveries of crack cocain, marijuana, and heroin into American cities.

Gary Webb is an honest investigative reporter who conducted his probe from the bottom up, starting from the streets of Los Angeles and proceeding up the line towards Washington.

Our method, by contrast, was to start from the White House and proceed downward. Gary Webb's work and our own mesh at numerous key points, such as the figures of contra leaders Adolfo Calero and Enrique Bermudez. Iran-contra drug-trafficking was carried on with the help of an interagency coordination (or "Focal Point") located in the Department of Defense, and utilized the services of the Pentagon, the State Department, the National Security Council, Central Intelligence Agency, and other organs of government. 

At the top of the chain of command was Vice President and crisis staff chief George Bush, assisted by Donald Gregg, Oliver North, Felix Rodriguez. The political kingpin of the entire operation was George Bush, and it is Bush who today must be the target of mass political mobilization - especially since Bush is today the main power in the Republican Party and the leader of the efforts for a British-backed impeachment/coup d'etat against the Clinton Administration and the US Constitution. It would be folly to let Bush off the hook by focussing on some faceless, nameless bureaucrats in the CIA whom Bush would be glad to sacrifice to save himself.

For those who want to know more about George Bush, crack cocaine kingpin, I suggest the following:

* Start with Chapter XVIII for the role of Bush as kingpin of Iran-contra.

* Then proceed to Chapter XX for the shocking truth about Bush's much-touted "war on drugs," including how Bush hobnobbed with Don Aronow of the Meyer Lansky organized crime and narcotics syndicate.

* To understand the reasons why Bush was and is so fanatically devoted to genocide against African-Americans and poor Americans in Chapter X, "Rubbers Goes to Congress," which details how Bush brought neo-Nazi racist theoretician William Shockly to address members of Congress on the need to make eugenics and population control the keystone of US government policy.

* See Chapter XI for Bush's support of genocide in Bengladesh and Vietnam when he was Henry Kissinger's Ambassador to the United Nations. See Chapter XIV for Bush's role in the installation of Cambodia's Pol Pot, one of the greatest genocidalists in modern history. See Chapter XXIV for Bush's genocidal Gulf war, which has killed more than a million among Iraqis and other Arabs.

* Finally, to understand genocide as the deepest tradition of the Bush family, see Chapter II for the story on how Prescott Bush, father of the later president, helped finance the seizure of power in Germany by Adolf Hitler