Non-Violent Populist Coalition
Progressives the world over are awakenking to the life-threatening menace of the Bush junta's deadly drive toward world domination
By Norman Livergood
They arrested Muslims, imprisoned them, and denied them legal counsel,
but America was still reeling from 911, so I did nothing.

They smeared and fired a professor in Florida and one in Canada,
but I lived in California, so I forgot about it.

They arrested a suspected terrorist who was an American citizen,
incarcerated him in a military prison, and denied him judicial process;
but his case seemed extreme to a lot of people so I turned a blind eye to it.

They arrested Middle Easterners with visa problems,
but that was in Los Angeles, so I ignored it.

Then they began to hassle people who read Web sites that John Poindexter
considered subversive, which included me - and then it was too late.


Martin Niemöller's Remorse 
"True conservatives
and liberals unite!
Bring your issues and your opinions to our young people,
and create a new expectation 
that they will get involved,
get informed and form a view of themselves as problem-solving citizens of a democracy.
Our differences from the left
or right are nothing
compared to the differences
between the politically awake and
the hypnotized drones of the new colonialism that now stalks
and shreds our civilization." 
Granny D. "Takeover Artists,"
a speech at Boston, 9/27/02
"I don't think we,
the American people,
deserved what
happened  on 9/11

Nor do we deserve
the sort of governments
we have had over the
last 40 years.

Our governments have
brought this upon us
by their actions all
over the world."

Gore Vidal~
interview with the~
Los Angeles Weekly~
July 5 - 11, 2002~
The criminal American "High Cabal," acting through its puppet, George W. Bush, proclaims a topsy-turvy view of the world in which small, weak nations are said to threaten the U.S., the most powerful and heavily armed nation in the world. They are following Hitler's pattern, who in 1938-1939 declared that  Poland and Czechoslovakia were threats to Germany's national security--then rapidly invaded both countries.

This time the world isn't buying Bush Jr's oil war against Iraq, recognizing that Dubya is the aggressor. Bush has had to bribe the leaders of small European nations to join his oil war coalition by allowing them membership in NATO, or as with Germany, France, and Russia, threatening them with reprisals. Even so, the people of the world, as distinguished from their sold-out political leaders, are not falling for the second Bush Iraq war scam.

Bush is playing cat-and-mouse with Iraq until he decides to start the next phase of his war for oil and geopolitical dominance in the Middle East, then the "High Cabal" will expand its plunder of the world in  that region. In every corner of the globe, informed citizens are protesting Dubya's war or the "High Cabal's" globalization scam, aware that  the Bush junta threatens their very lives They know that current U.S. military
spending exceeds that of the next nine nations combined and that in the past several decades the "High Cabal"
has attacked and occupied a large number of smaller nations: Panama, Haiti, Iraq, Somalia,Yugoslavia, Sudan and Afghanistan.

Even American citizens are being shaken from their stupor as the Bush criminal gang begins to impose its police state tactics. Rudely shaken awake by the loss of their retirement funds or investments, American citizens now comprehend that the Bush junta has no regard for their interests. The Bush puppet regime has allowed corporate fat-cats to plunder billions of dollars in investor and retiree funds, pretending that the arrest and indictment of a few small-fry executives is sufficient.

Peace cannot be achieved through violence, only through understanding." 
Albert Einstein~
"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one."
Edmund Burke~
Meanwhile the U.S. economy is steadily going down the tubes, while the country is being mangled into a rich vs. poor war zone. Lewis Lapham delineates the "High Cabal's" record of plunder: "80 percent of the nation's property now securely in the hands of 10 percent of the population, our 13,000 richest families possessed of a net worth equivalent to the assets owned by the country's 20 million poorest families, our ten most highly paid CEOs earning an average of $154 million a year as opposed to the mere pittance of $3.5 million in 1981." Bush has fired one gang of financial culprits--Pitt, Lindsey, and , O'Neill---thinking the American public won't notice that the new gang--Snow, Donaldson, and Friedman --are also corporate looters.

The "High Cabal" didn't expect common people throughout the world to wake up to their plundering. But the Bush junta's attacks on civil liberties, its pro-industry/anti-environment stance, its failure to punish corporate criminals like Ken Lay, and its coverup of  the 9/11 attacks--all this has roused the sleeping giant of world public opinion which now is demanding its due.

One wonders when the compounding of criminal acts by the puppet Bush regime will the reach "critial state"--the final straw which breaks the proverbial camel's back--and common people the world over will demand an accounting from this murderous cabal. One of Bush's recent outrages was the appointment of war criminal Henry Kissinger to head the 9/11 investigation.

When world opposition was too clamorous and Henry the K too unwilling to divulge his many conflicts of interest, Henry was merely replaced with a similar villain, former New Jersey governor Thomas Kean. Now we discover that Kean has business ties with bin Mahfouz and Al-Amoudi, owners of the Saudi Company Delta Oil, UNOCAL's partner in the Cent-Gas trans-Afghan pipeline consortium. The bin Mahfouz and Al-Amoudi clans allegedly have ties to bin Laden’s Al Qaeda.

The powerful financier Khalid bin Mahfouz’ younger sister is married to Osama bin Laden.Thomas Kean is a director (and shareholder) of  Amerada Hess Corporation , which is involved in the Hess-Delta joint venture with Delta Oil of Saudi Arabia. How handy for Bush that the man he chooses to lead the investigation of the 9/11 atrocity is himself connected to the people who were involved in the World Trade Center and Pentagon assaults. A coverup of the 9/11 abomination is as inevitable with Kean as it was with Kissinger.

In the 1980's George Bush Snr and his henchmen such as Rumsfeld, sold Saddam Hussein
military and biochemical weapons. Bush then browbeat other nations into joining
in his attack on Iraq to return Kuwait oil resources to the Kuwaiti Muslim oligarchs
The Burgeoning International Progressive Movement
Already existent around the globe is an active populist movement composed of thousands of people who are:
  • Protesting Bush's murderous war for oil
  • Fighting for legal rights for those who have been unjustly imprisoned
  • Petitioning for legislative and regulatory actions to protect the environment and human rights
  • Joining in class action suits to remedy injustices perpetrated by a government of the rich for the rich
  • Disrupting public cover-up and disinformation campaigns
  • Creating and maintaining alternative news and analysis Web sites
  • Writing articles to help interested people understand what is actually going on in the world
  • Developing email lists of acquaintances and colleagues to disseminate information not available in the mainstream media sources
  • Registering their opinions and transmitting information by sending letters, emails, and faxes to public officials and leaders
  • Sending messages of protest in response to racist, anti-feminist, anti-gay, criminal, anti-human rights actions by public officials
  • Creating political cartoons and animations lampooning the abominations of the Bush puppet regime
  • Organizing communities to protest against Bush's domestic and foreign policies: 23 U.S. cities have passed anti-war resolutions already
  • Standing up for the right to dissent without reprisal
  • Speaking out against the ongoing destruction of the environment by the Bush junta

  • Blowing the whistle on persons and policies that protect the bureaucratic tyrannies and harm the common people
    "Henceforth, every nation's foreign policy must be judged at every point by one consideration: does it lead us to a world of law and order or does it lead us back to anarchy and death?"
    Albert Einstein~~
    "I don't think we, the American people, deserved what happened [9/11]. Nor do we deserve
    the sort of governments we have had over the last 40 years. Our governments have brought
    this upon us by their actions all over the world."
    Gore Vidal, interview with the Los Angeles Weekly, July 5 - 11, 2002~~
    Since you're reading this article, you're probably already aware of some parts of this mushrooming progressive coalition that has members in almost every nation in the world. I'd like to encourage you to become as actively engaged in this international movement as possible. What this world populist movement is able to accomplish in the coming months may make all the difference between a world of dictatorial police state tyranny and a world where human freedom is maintained and expanded. The diverse people and groups making up the international progressive movement share specific characteristics, distinguishing them from other activist campaigns. Members avoid and do not advocate violence or criminal behavior.

    Recently, a few Web sites have appeared that endorse violence and mayhem. One site which advocated taking Bush out was raided and shut down, understandably. Activists in the international progressive movement understand that they must work within the framework of the law as much as possible and resort to nonviolent civil disobedience--as Thoreau and Gandhi did--only when necessary. Otherwise we destroy the very fabric of society we are attempting to preserve. Contrary to the contentions of those who embrace aggression, nonviolence is not merely pacifism or self-destructive passivity. Nonviolence as practiced by millions in India, the American Civil Rights movement and the anti-Vietnam War Movement accomplished a great deal.

    When nonviolent protestors are arrested it is something more than mere submission and represents a challenge to illegitimate authority. Nonviolent protestors within the movement do not engage in any type of property destruction or assaults on police. Some advocates of violence preach the sophisty that property destruction and assaults on police do not constitute violence, because, they argue, protestors should not adhere to the same definitions as the corporate media and the state. While it is true that in many instances the police are increasingly becoming merely the hired thugs of the Bush junta, that does not justify throwing rocks or Molotov cocktails at them in "self-defense."

    Participants in the world populist movement are remarkably free from ego-trips. Membership in this international movement is not for the purpose of enhancing one's reputation or celebrity. In some instances, those with prior or external celebrity legitimately use their name recognition to further the goals of the enterprise. Well-known people such as Barbara Streisand, Robert Redford, the whistleblowers, Michael Moore, Mike Farrell, 2  Tim Robbins , Woody Harrelson, 3 Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, and Scott Ritter have contributed a great deal to world progressive efforts.

    The informal international populist coalition is not the vehicle of a particular person or group, but of all informed persons who want to make a difference. Unlike the fierce, dog-eat-dog competition for fame in the TV world, the people, groups, and Web sites making up the progressive movement do not boast that they got the story first, that their information contains the final truth, or that their cause is the only one of importance. Their primary goal is to help people inform themselves about what's really going on in the world and build alliances to stop the Bush junta's madness.

    Members of the worldwide progressive movement assist other coalition participants in any way possible,
    reflecting, in part, the shared universe of the Internet. They link to each others' articles and news flashes and announce coalition actions and causes. They share a genuine solidarity, standing ready to help their comrades in times of success or failure.

    A couple of recent articles on the Internet have claimed that the American people are: (a) cowards because they are allowing Bush to destroy American democracy and (b) responsible for what Bush is doing to the world.While it is true that many Americans have chosen to remain uninformed and mindlessly follow the path to dictatorship which Bush is creating, this is not true of all Americans by any means. Participants in this world populist movement I'm speaking of are people who have informed themselves about the fascist aspects of the Bush police state.

    They know the danger in which they place themselves by daring to speak out in articles on Web sites, in anti-war protests, in acting against tyranny wherever it occurs. These people are NOT cowards and anyone who thinks they are should march beside them when the tear gas starts choking the crowd, or writing an expose of Bush tyranny which will almost surely result in their being placed on an enemies list, or dare to blow the whistle when it will almost certainly mean the loss of their job.

    Secondly, the American people as a whole are NOT responsible for the murderous, immoral actions and policies of the Bush junta. Members of the world progressive movement understand that the common people in any country--the United States or elsewhere--are not responsible for the destruction of liberty which is being perpetrated by a fascist cabal composed of leaders from many nations.

    It has always been important--now more than ever--to distinguish "the people" from "the rulers" of a country.
    When TV news says that the United States is attacking Iraq or Afghanistan or wherever, it's always important to clarify in any way possible that it is not the people of the United States that are creating these lethal imperialistic wars. It is the militaristic psychopath and his junta who start wars to reap obscence profits for themselves and their collaborators.

    "True conservatives and liberals unite! Bring your issues and your opinions to our young people, and create a new expectation that they will get involved, get informed, and form a view of themselves as problem-solving citizens of a democracy. Our differences from the left
    or right are nothing compared to the differences between the politically awake and the
    hypnotized drones of the new colonialism that now stalks and shreds our civilization." 
    Granny D. "Takeover Artists," a speech at Boston, 9/27/02~~
    The people who ARE responsible for the Bush junta's fascism and imperialism are:
  • the American, British, Saudi, and Dutch ruling elites--the "High Cabal":
  • in the U.S. the cabal revolves around the Rockefeller, Brown, Harriman, and Morgan family dynasties: the Bush family, beginning with Prescott Bush, have served as satraps of the Rockefeller, Brown, and Harriman interests
  • the British royal family and the financial and political circles related to it
  • the Saudi royal family and The Big Three--the bin Laden family, the al Ahmoudi family, and the Mahfouz family, the richest clans in that  medievel kingdom
  • the Dutch royal family and related circles
  • the financial, military, and political leaders who kow tow to the "High Cabal"
  • the Republican party and the corporations which bribe politicians in both parties

  • those in the Democratic party who are conspiring with the Bush junta by saying nothing and agreeing to everything

    The persons who blame the common American people for Bush's militaristic drive for world domination and who call Americans cowards simply don't understand what's going on in the world. They sometimes equate the present American people's behavior with that of the German people in 1930's Nazi Germany. The major goal of the world progressive movement is to make sure that what happened under Hitler in the twentieth century does NOT happen with Bush in the twenty-first century. Yes, there are striking similarities between what Bush is doing now and what Hitler did in 1930s Germany. But we don't have to repeat that catastrophe. Our task is to help the common people throughout the world to wake up to what is occurring and demand that their governments serve the peoples' interests. Assuredly, our fight to retain and regain liberties will not be an easy one. And, yes, we could fail if  we don't act quickly and intelligently enough.

    1 Harper's, January, 2003
    2 Hannity Insanity

    3 "The fact is that Saddam Hussein was our boy.
    "The CIA helped him to power, as they did the Shah of Iran and Noriega and Marcos and the Taliban and countless other brutal tyrants. The fact is that George Bush Sr continued to supply nerve gas and technology to Saddam even after he used it on Iran and then the Kurds in Iraq.

    "While the Amnesty International report listing countless Saddam atrocities, including gassing and torturing Kurds, was sitting on his desk, Bush Sr pushed through a $2bn 'agricultural' loan and Thatcher gave hundreds of millions in export credit to Saddam. The elder Bush then had the audacity to quote the Amnesty reports to garner support for his oil war.

    "A decade later, Shrub follows the same line: 'We have no quarrel with the Iraqi people.' I'm sure half a million Iraqi parents are scratching their heads over that. I'm an American tired of lies. And with our government, it's mostly lies."

    Reference and Links
    Next year's challenge is to provide the growing movement against war with a program upon
    which the international working class can be mobilized as an independent political force 

    Impeach Bush II

    A Hundred Peace Movements Blood

    San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice

    Not In Our Name

    911 Commission - Forgedda Boudit

    US. Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup

    Organize your community to protest against Bush's war for oil

    Key links to the World Populist Movement
