Americans Must Stop Whining About 9/11
Millions worldwide grow weary of the unending American orgy of whining
self-pity about a single two-hour surgical strike on New York City
Copyright Joe Vialls – 7 September 2002
Yes, of course we all feel very sorry about the deaths of the 3,000 victims in New York, especially the brave firemen, whose honorable deaths in action are today being cynically used by the American media networks as emotional clubs. For as long as members of the Zionist-controlled media can sustain this emotional barrage about these selfless heroes, whose bravery no mere journalist or editor can ever hope to equal, ordinary Americans will continue to be deflected away from the reality that 9/11 was not a declaration of war on the United States of America.

Unfortunately, the longer the truth is held back from the American people, the more critical international friends and enemies will become of Americans in general. There is a growing perception overseas that “Americans can dish it out, but they sure can’t take it.” In other words, Americans are in real danger of being branded as a nation of isolationists, most of who appear to consider themselves morally and racially superior, but who have nervous breakdowns and burst into tears if someone so much as lobs a single hand grenade at an American city.

As will be mentioned again later, this perception provides welcome ammunition for millions of civilians overseas, especially in Britain, France, Germany and Japan; civilians who frequently spent weeks or months with their families and homes under direct aerial bombardment. In most cases the national psyche allowed these civilians to face the continual terror and their tragic losses with an impressive stoicism. If Americans cannot break away from the current media frenzy of whining and self pity, and find a little stoicism of their own, they stand to lose lots of brownie points overseas.

In reality the attack on the World Trade Center was a very visible warning to Zionist headquarters in New York, to stop interfering in the affairs of other sovereign nations. United Flight 175 was deliberately flown on a longer route than American Flight 11, allowing time for media crews to gather in the vicinity and record the second impact “live-to-air.” This precise attack profile denied the American Administration any chance of saving face by later claiming the carnage was due to an accidental “mid-air collision” or “pilot error”. The much smaller Boeing 757 flown into the Pentagon in Washington, simply served as double confirmation.

Without going into the supplementary charges, methods and means used during and after the two aircraft impacts on the WTC, suffice to say the surgical strike on Zionist HQ was one-hundred-percent successful. By 5.02 PM local time, all seven World Trade Center buildings were effectively razed to ground level, burying Zionist gold and more than US$1 trillion worth of numbered government bearer bonds under a million tons of rubble.

Proof that the attack was solely against Zionist Headquarters and not against Americans in general is everywhere, at least for those who bother to look carefully. Remember the attackers had the same absolute surprise on their side as the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, and they also knew that peacetime America could not arm and fly its interceptor aircraft  in less than one hour. Even a cursory examination of the flight records for that morning shows a minimum of thirty other Boeing 767 and 757 aircraft airborne, available, and within easy reach of heavily populated cities and urban areas. Had this really been an attack against Americans in general, tens of thousands of citizens in Washington, New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles would have been toast by 9.30 AM.

The actual timing of the attack was almost certainly triggered by Operation Shekhinah, a Zionist plan to use Jewish forces in Palestine to launch a Blitzkrieg on southern Iraq during early October 2001, thereby taking control of the head of the Persian Gulf, and in turn de-facto control of middle east oil supplies. The operation was being funded through WTC conduits, which also housed certain  Command, Control and Communications elements essential to the strike. So when the WTC crumbled into dust, Operation Shekhinah was forced onto “hold”.

In the aftermath of the surgical strike, the media swiftly hyped up all sorts of rubbish about “Osama Bin Laden” in his Afghan cave, and creatively drafted “cell phone messages” from the hijacked airliners, which by then were flying at nearly 600 mph, way too fast for any cell phone tower to interrogate, authenticate, and connect any individual cell phone, before that cell phone was once more completely out of range of the respective tower.

However, and regardless of the calculated lies put out by the media, the Zionists had to kill someone quickly to keep everyone happy and give Americans “revenge”, which immediately sealed the fate of about 20,000 Afghans, who were mostly tending their sheep and goats in the mountains. The real Zionist target was Iraq of course, but Saddam would have to be left alone until the hapless CIA could determine exactly who destroyed the World Trade Center. It never did manage to find that out, leaving the boys and girls at Langley Headquarters still scratching their heads and chewing their pencils today.

Emboldened by a lack of further attacks in the months that followed, the Zionists forgot the serious warning of 9/11 and forged ahead with their crazed plans to hijack Middle East oil supplies. Perhaps it never occurred to them then, or may not occur to them now, that this ongoing action in the face of such a serious warning, might well lead to the deaths of thousands of sacrificial American soldiers in the near future. More likely they simply do not care. After all, every power broker in Washington and New York knows that soldiers are there to be sacrificed on the roll of a political dice, a situation that is unlikely to change until battle tanks roar up Capitol Hill on day-one of second American Civil War.

Of course, you are not supposed to know about the Iraqi oil. The Administration wants you to believe that its plan is simply and solely to stop the “evil” Saddam Hussein firing his entirely mythical “weapons of mass destruction” up into the air, on board Scud missiles he no longer possesses. But every now and again someone lifts the corner of the veil, as was the case with Zionist pawn Dick Cheney last week. Furious that no-one would believe his “weapons of mass destruction” tale, Dick roared, “Well, do you really want to leave him [Saddam] sitting on top of all that oil?” This remark lasted for only one news broadcast, until horrified Zionist editors swiftly deleted all trace of it from later television footage.

Naturally enough the Russians know all about Operation Shekhinah and they know all about the oil, so there is very heavy trouble ahead, though the American media has somehow forgotten to tell you about it. As a few readers will know, Russia issued a very stern warning to America three days ago on September 4, as reported by Pravda in Moscow: “Russia said it had seen no 'single well-founded argument' that Iraq represents a threat to the United States and warned it would veto any measure for military action against Baghdad that comes before the United Nations Security Council. 'We hope... that this question will not be placed before the Security Council, thereby necessitating the veto,' Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said in a blunt message to the US.”  Russia fears an American war against Iraq would complicate the tense Middle East situation.  End quote.

For those not entirely familiar with diplomat-speak, this message can be interpreted a little more widely than at first appears. The iron fist in the velvet diplomatic glove is actually warning America not to meddle in the Middle East at all, but if it should decide to forge ahead alone, bring plenty of body bags. .

Does the warning count any more, with Russia “no longer a superpower?” Well, if you believe that American media rubbish you’d better think again. Russia might be a bit short of cash and modern hospitals nowadays, but it still has in excess of 30,000 nuclear warheads, complete with modern intercontinental and tactical delivery systems. Oh yes, and about 20,000 Spetsnaz [Special Forces] available for deployment to Iraq. Does anyone fancy starting World War III?

There is a historical precedent for this, bearing in mind that the Zionists well and truly started World War II in Britain more than sixty years ago. “Surely that was Adolf Hitler?” I hear you ask. Well, no, as a matter of fact it was really Winston Churchill, after an extremely wealthy Zionist Jew paid off his massive gambling and drinking debts at his country home, Chartwell, which he was on the point of losing to his creditors. Until that pivotal point in history Winston had been an avowed nationalist who shared many of Hitler’s stated ideals, but sudden abject poverty, swiftly followed by a fabulously rich Jewish savior, can reform a man very quickly.

Before anyone faints at the prospect of me slagging-off one of history’s “greatest heroes”, I must point out that although a resident of the United States, Canada, and Australia at various points in my life, I was born and raised in England. I am therefore entitled to slag off one of my own national “heroes” as much as I want, especially bearing in mind that Churchill’s documented command abilities in World War I, needlessly cost thousands of English lives in the Turkish Dardanelles, a terrible feat he was destined to repeat in East London during World War II.

We already know the terrible history of Adolf Hitler of course, because it is published all over the world and shoved relentlessly down our children’s throats in every primary school. You know the sort of stuff I mean: How Adolf nationalized all of the Jewish banks in Germany, removed Jewish control of the media, and so on. Ironically perhaps, Adolf Hitler took away from the Jews absolutely everything they nowadays control in New York City.
Back in 1940 the international Zionists decided they were not going to take Adolf Hitler’s new rules and regulations lying down, and promptly told Winston Churchill to demonize Adolf, a task he pursued with great vigor at the first opportunity, allegedly helped along by vast quantities of brandy.

The English broke the German war codes on 26 May 1940, and found to their astonishment that Adolf Hitler had issued clear written orders that no British civilian towns or cities were to be bombed at all. This was devastating news for Winston, who then had to find a way to make Adolf change his mind. After all, how could Adolf be demonized and turned into a monster, if he point blank refused [on the written record] to bomb women and children?

On  25 August 1940, against the express advice and wishes of the RAF Chief of Staff, Churchill ordered a bombing raid on the unarmed civilian population of Berlin. That same evening, a wave of 80 Wellington bombers took off for Germany with one of my former bosses, then a 19 year-old sergeant pilot, flying the number two aircraft. As he pointed out to me many years afterwards, Berlin was a sight to behold: “It was amazing Joe,” he said, “The Germans had no idea we were coming and the entire city was lit up like a Christmas tree. There were no fighters. We bombed on the lights, banked away, and were clear of Berlin almost before they knew we had arrived.” Hitler failed to respond to this massive premeditated  war crime, so the very next night Winston Churchill ordered two more waves of bombers to attack the unarmed civilian population of Berlin. And then another.

Under enormous pressure at home, Adolf Hitler was finally obliged to discreetly ignore his own official directive protecting the inhabitants of British towns and cities, and the first German bomb fell on the unarmed civilian population of East London two weeks later, during the night of 7 September 1940. The Zionists had won. Adolf Hitler was demonized by the western media as the “butcher who kills women and children”. From that point onwards, the experience proved to be far from pleasant for my countrymen in London:- “Try to imagine that you are in a city centre, tall buildings rise high into the air on both sides. Suddenly everything goes dark, the street lamps go out, all lights in the buildings go out, you are enveloped in total darkness almost as if you have suddenly been struck blind.

“Now imagine a severe thunderstorm, flashing sheets of light one after the other with constant monotony followed by crashes of thunder as if a series of thunderbolts had hit just in front, behind or over in the next block.

“With each explosion the ground vibrates, then a wail of clanging bells as emergency services weave their way in and out of side streets. Look up the street, you will see the tall buildings silhouetted against the background of light, then imagine one of these buildings suddenly struck, the whole wall facing the street slowly begins to lean forward breaking up as it falls to the ground with flame and smoke billowing from inside. This was what the nights were like, night after endless night.”

In all, 22,080 British men, women and children died in London over a 67 day period, as a direct result of the treasonous actions of an English Prime Minister indebted to international Zionist Jews. If  during the nineteen-thirties Winston Churchill had been able to stay away from the card table, and throttle back on the booze, most of the German dead in Berlin and the British dead in London would doubtlessly have survived the war.

The relevance of this short trip down memory lane will probably be obvious to most readers by now. President Saddam Hussein of Iraq is currently sitting on top of vast quantities of crude oil that the Zionists are determined to control and ultimately steal, one way or the other. If  in order to gain control of this massive wealth they are obliged to sacrifice 22,080 American, British or Australian lives, it will be no more of a problem to them now than the bombing of East London back in 1940. Peasants can and always will be sacrificed for the “greater good”. At the same time, and just like Adolf Hitler before him, Saddam Hussein must be thoroughly demonized [again]as a monster who [still] kills women and children.

The first Zionist attempt to demonize President Hussein in 1990 failed, despite American Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, cunningly telling him, “We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait." In diplomat-speak this translates directly to “Help yourself to Kuwait whenever you feel the need,” and Saddam Hussein fell for it. Oh well, no-one is perfect…

You know the rest. Hundreds of thousands of troops massing across the sacred routes to Mecca and Medina, dozens of burning oil wells, Gulf War Syndrome, ten thousand dead American servicemen, and half a million dead Iraqi children in ten years. Running as a sideshow was “Saddam the butcher who gassed his own Kurds at Halabja”, a claim the US Army War College proved back in 1990 was completely false. The Iraqi Kurds of Halabja were killed by an Iranian artillery phosgene gas attack. Case closed, though not for the Zionists who today are once more trying to revive the lie, in an ongoing attempt to demonize President Hussein.

But the Zionists failed to grab Iraq’s oil in 1990 or 1991. Frustrated over the years, they then dreamed up Operation Shekhinah, the “perfect solution” allowing them to steal Iraq’s oil by use of their forward base in Palestine. As we know, that operation was stalled completely by the attack on the World Trade Center, but there is nowadays a new air of desperation hanging over New York. The fabled stock market and corporate profits, propped up artificially for years by rigged interlinked computer systems and corrupt executives, have both started to collapse to the point where they are now hanging on the very edge of the abyss.

Paradoxically, the real desperation is not about blatant cyber manipulation, but the sudden realization that the physical world has changed as well. There are no more free cookies left in the jar, and most of America’s  industries were long ago relocated offshore to the third world. Put bluntly, America has run out of cash, can no longer make any meaningful commodities itself, and cannot afford to buy them overseas. The only game left in town now, I repeat the ONLY game left in town, is to steal mind boggling quantities of middle east crude oil, and recycle it to other nations at massive profit.

All of the Arab nations know this to be a fact, as do Russia and China. The entire eastern hemisphere now senses that this is the end game, and there is precious little pity left out there for America or Americans. The decades of Zionist arrogance in the recent past, and almost endless American attacks on sovereign nations from Somalia to Yugoslavia, and from Iraq to Afghanistan, has generated almost incomprehensible levels of hatred towards anyone and anything from New York City to San Francisco.

If the Zionists panic and press the red button now, as they seem intent on doing, remember that the “rules of war” have already been thrown out of the window by them, and replaced with the brutal savagery of Camp X Ray at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, and in America’s Federal prisons, which now house more than 1,000 unnamed “disappeared” political prisoners and torture victims.

Iraq will not be like Germany was in World War II. Back then it was all highly regulated with liaison on both sides. Red Cross food parcels for the POWs, regular letters to and from properly identified prisoners, and escaped  British and American prisoners crossing over into France under cover of night, before being shipped back to England by the French Resistance.

Forget that right now. Anyone fleeing across the border from Iraq will not find themselves in the hands of a friendly resistance organization dedicated to Zionist democracy, but in the hands of the Syrians or Iranians, all of whom know about American torture techniques initiated on helpless unnamed prisoners at Camp X Ray in Cuba. Quite obviously America started this shameful behavior, and America has therefore set the new standards it expects for its own captured troops under the recently revised (Cuban) Geneva Convention.

There will be no Red Cross food parcels and probably very little food this time around. Expect a hot dark room, shackles, a blindfold, and torn, bleeding knees.  For most of the day you will wear ear muffs and face masks to destroy your spatial orientation, and twice a day you will be relentlessly interrogated in order to obtain a confession that you belong to a terrorist organization you have never even heard of. Believe me, Mom and Dad are never going to see you again.

None of this matters to the Zionists of course, because they will not be fighting in the trenches with you, or flying the combat aircraft. As previously stated they will sacrifice the lot of you without a second thought, in order to save their own skins. Deep down you already know that to be true, don't you?.

The only difference between 1940 and today, lies in you knowing in advance that this war has absolutely nothing to do with defending America or defending democracy. If you decide to pick up your rifle and go to the Middle East,  you will acting under the direct orders of a bunch of desperate Zionist bankers, and you will possibly die for them, perhaps in the blinding blue-white flash of a Russian tactical nuke....

Welcome to the End Game

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