
1. Athens Banner-Herald December 22, 2001. Google users enter these words: university chicago poll americans cried
2. Yediot America (Israeli Newspaper), November 2, 2001. Google users enter: yediot america urban moving
3. Jewish Week. November 2, 2001. Stewart Ain. Google users enter: urban moving Israelis smiling took pictures on 9-11
4. ABC News20/20. ABCNews.com, June 21,2001.Google users enter : white van Israeli spies
5. Bergen Record (New Jersey). September 12, 2001. Paolo Lima. Google users enter: Bergen Lima five israelis
6. Eye For an Eye, By John Sack. Google users enter: john sack eye for eye
7. The Zionist Connection. By Alfred Lilienthal Google users enter: alfred lilienthal zionist
8. Fateful Triangle. By Noam Chomsky Google users enter: chomsky fateful triangle
9. Open Secrets. By Israel Shahak Google users enter: israel shahack open secrets
10.The Hidden Tyranny. By Benjamin Freedman. Google users enter: benjamin freedman
11. By Way of Deception. By Victor Ostovsky. Google users enter: victor ostovsky
12. Neturei Karta. Jews United Against Zionism. Google users enter: neturei karta jews against Zionism
13. Jewish Virtual Library of the American-Israeli co-operative enterprise. Google users enter: weizmann balfour zionist
14. Benjamin Freedman's 1955 speech. Google users enter: Benjamin Freedman speaks and also Benjamin Freedman
15. Square One: A Memoir. By Arnold Forster. Google users enter: Arnold Forster Square One....or see amazon.com
16. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia. refer to "Balfour Declaration". Google users enter: Balfour Zionism
17. Daily Express. (England) Judea Declares War on Germany. March 24, 1933 Google users enter: Judea Declares War on Germany
18. Vladimir Jabotinsky. Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934. Google users enter: vladimir jabotinsky and also jabotinsky mascha rjetsch
19. Beaverbrook papers. House of Lords Records Service. (England). Google users enter: beaverbrook jews position press
20. Charles Lindbergh's Speech in Iowa. September 11, 1941. Google users enter: Lindbergh Des Moines speech
21. Day of Deceit. By Robert Stinnett. Google users enter: day of deceit stinnett
22. From Adolf Hitler's last Will and Political Testament. Google users enter: Hitler my political testament
23. Britain's Small Wars. Google users enter: dressed as Arabs king david and also king david Hotel bombing
24. Deir Yassin Remembered. Google users enter: deir Yassin remembered and also deir yassin
25. The Khazaria Information Center. Google users enter: khazars
26. Victor Ostrovsky. By Way of Deception. Google users enter: mossad motto
27. The Gun and the Olive Branch. By David Hirst. Google users enter: lavon affair
28. Assault on Liberty. By James M Ennes Jr. Google users enter: ennes uss liberty
29. Ostrovsky. How How Mossad got America to bomb Libya and fight Iraq. Google users enter: ostrovsky how mossad got america
30. Ostrovsky. The Contrasting Media Treatment of Israeli and Islamic Death Threats. Google users enter: Ostrovsky death threats
31. The Washington Times. Army Study Suggests U.S. Force of 20,000. By Rowan Scarborough. September 10, 2001. Google users enter: army study suggests sams rowan scarborough
32. Ibid
33. The International Jew. By Henry Ford. Google users enter: ford international jew
34. Jewish Frontier. Lindbergh and the Jews. By Hal Derner. Google users enter: lindbergh jews press
35. They Dare to Speak Out. By Paul Findley. Google users enter: admiral moorer boggles mind
36. Senator William Fulbright on ABC's Face the Nation. Google users enter: fulbright israel controls senate
37. Patrick Buchanan on the Mclaughlin Group. Google users enter: buchanan israeli occupied territory
38. Rev. Billy Graham and Richard Nixon. CNN Google users enter: graham jewish media stranglehold
39. Who Rules America? By Dr. William Pierce. Google users enter: jewish media control
40. The Israel Lobby. By Michael Massing.The Nation Magaazine. Google users enter: massing israel lobby
41. Saudis Lash Out at 'Zionist' U.S. Critics By Marc Perelman. Jewish Forward. Google users enter: forward zionist defense policy board
42. Ari Shavit. Ha'aretz Israel, reprinted in New York Times. May 27 1996. Google users enter: sobran shavit in our hands
43. Bubba: I'd fight and Die for Israel. New York Post. .By Andy Geler. August 2, 2002. Google users enter: clinton grab a rifle fight die
44. CNN.Rabin Assassinated at Peace Rally. November 4, 1995 Google users enter: rabin assassinated
45. The Fateful Triangle. Noam Chomsky's Account of the Sabra and Shatila Massacre. Google users enter: Chomsky Sabra Shatila
46. Third former Militiaman with links to Sabra and Chatila murdered. By Robet Fisk, The Independent, March 11,2001 Google users enter: fisk former militiaman murdered
47. CNN. Israeli troops, Palestinians clash after Sharon visits Jerusalem sacred site. September 28, 2002. Google users enter: cnn after sharon visits sacred
48. India Reacts. India in anti-Taliban military plan. June 21, 2001. Google users enter: india anti taliban military plan
49. Ibid
50. Jane’s International Security News. (England) India joins anti-Taliban coalition. By Rahul Bedi. March 15, 2001 Google users enter: india joins anti-taliban coalition Rahul Bedi
51. The Telegraph. (England) Israeli security issued urgent warning to CIA of large-scale terror attacks. By David Wastell in Washington and Philip Jacobson in Jerusalem. September 16, 2001. Google users enter: telegraph israeli security issued urgent warning
52. Biz Report (from Frankfuter Algemaine Zeitung of Germany) Echelon Gave Authorities Warning Of Attacks. By Ned Stafford. September 13, 2001. Google users enter: Zeitung of Germany Echelon Gave Authorities Warning
53. Ibid
54. San Francisco Chronicle.Willie Brown got low-key early warning about air travel By Phillip Matier, Andrew Ross. September 12, 2001. Google users enter: chronicle willie brown got early warning
55. Newsweek. Bush: We're at War. By Evan Thomas and Mark Hosenball. September 24, 2001. Google users enter: newsweek bush evan thomas we're at war
56. Newsbytes/Washington Post. Instant message to Israel warned of WTC attack. September 27, 2001. By Brian McWiliams Google useres enter: instant messages Israel warned attack
57. New York Times. Spilled Blood is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer. By James Bennet. September 12, 2001. Google users enter: it will generate immediate sympathy for Israel
58. ABC News20/20. ABCNews.com, June 21,2001.Google users enter : white van Israeli spies
59. The Bergen Record (New Jeresy). Five Men Detained as Suspected Conspirators. By Paulo Lima. September 12, 2001. Google users enter: paulo lima five men detained
60. The Bergen Record. (New Jersey) Five hijack suspects had links to N.J. By Adam Lisberg. September 15, 2001. Google users enter: adam lisberg guys were joking
61. New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety. Division of Consumer Affairs. December 13, 2001. Google users enter: state granted access to moving facility
62. ABC News20/20. ABCNews.com, June 21,2001.Google users enter : white van Israeli spies
63. Unmat (Pakistan). From BBC Monitoring Service. September 28,2001. Google users enter: bin laden already said I am not involved
64. WCBV TV. Boston Channel. FBI Agents Search Hotels; Several People Detained . September 12, 2001 Google users enter: boston airport koran arab flight
65. Ibid
66. Guardian Unlimited. (England) Uncle Sam's Lucky Finds. By Anne Karpf. March 19, 2002 Google users enter: uncle sam lucky finds anne karpf and also atta passport found
67. ABCNews.com. Saudi Prince says Seven Saudis on FBI list Innocent. September 23, 2001. Google users enter: hijack suspects alive and well
68. The Telegraph. (England). Revealed: The Men With Stolen Identities. By David Harrison. September 23, 2001. Google users enter: hijackers still alive and well and also telegraph men with stolen identities hijackers
69. ABCNews.com. Saudi Prince says Seven Saudis on FBI list Innocent. September 23, 2001. Google users enter: hijack suspects alive and well
70. BBC News (England) Hijack Suspects alive and well. September 23, 2001. Google users enter: hijack suspects alive and well
71. CNN. Hijackers likely skilled with fake IDs September 21, 2001.
Google users enter: cnn mueller identity thefts
72. The Week (India) Aborted Mission. Investigation: Did Mossad attempt to infiltrate Islamic radical outfits in south Asia? By Subir Bhaumik. February 6, 2000. Google users enter: muslim tabliqis mossad
73.Express India. Indian intelligence wiretap identified 9/11 hijackers. Press Trust of India. April 3,2002 Google users enter: indian intelligence wiretap identified 9/11
74. Jewsweek. India. Israel’s New Best Friend? By Gil Sedan. The Jewish Telegraph Agency. August 2002. Google users enter: jewsweek Israel new best friend
75. Wikipedia.com. The Free Encyclopedia. Mohammed Atta Google users enter: atta reported passport stolen
76. Frontline. PBS. Inside the Terror network. January 17, 2002 Google users enter: frontline atta shy timid
77. ABC Channel 4. (Florida). A Mission To Die For. Rudi Dekkers interviewed by Quentin McDermott. October 21, 2001 Google users enter: rudi dekkers interview
78. Ibid
79. Ibid
80. Star Tribune. Eagan Flight Trainer Won’t Let Unease about Moussaoui Rest.. December 21, 2001. Google users enter: star tribune eagan flight trainer
81. MSNBC. He Never Even Had a Kite. By Alan Zarembo.. September 24, 2001. Google users enter: atta he never even had kite
82. The Israeli Art Student Papers. Antiwar.com. By Justin Raimondo. March 21, 2002. Google users enter: Israeli art students hollywood
83. Boston Globe. March 5, 1994 Google users enter: baruch goldstein
84. Goldstein memorial website. http://www.newkach.org/special/baruch/02.htm Google users enter: baruch goldstein
85.Ha’aretz. (Israel) At least two Israelis dead in Tower attack .By Mazal Mualem and Shlomo Shamir Google users enter: daniel lewin elite commando
86. CNN. Investigators Arrive at Payne Stewart Crash Site. October 26,1999. Google users enter: CNN payne stewart crash
87. Forward. Defensive Saudis Lash Out at 'Zionist' and U.S. Critics . By Marc Perelman. December 28,2001. Google users enter: perle zionist defense policy board
88. Newsweek. Bush: We're at War. By Evan Thomas and Mark Hosenball. September 24, 2001. Google users enter: newsweek bush evan thomas we're at war
89. UPI United Press International. Sep. 26, 2001 Interview with General Gul Google users enter: hamid gul upi interview
90. Press release from Law Firm of Baum, Hedlund, Aristei, Guilford & Schiavo. April 11, 2002 Google users enter: family members lawsuit huntleigh 9-11
91. Ibid
92. Hoover’s Online. The Business Information Authority. Google users enter: hoover online icts
93. Associated Press. Experience, Reputation Make Israelis Hot Commodities for Homeland Security. By John P. Mcalpin. March 21, 2002. Google users enter: mcalpin experience reputation make israelis
94. Ha’aretz. (Israel) Hackers using Israeli 'net site to strike at Pentagon. By Nitzan Horowitz. July 30 1999 Google users enter: Israel hackers pentagon
95. US Department of Justice Press Release. March 18, 1998 Google users enter: israeli citizen arrested israel hacking
96. Jerusalem Post. WTC Architect: Collapse "Unbelievable". By Michael Meyer and Stuart Winer. September 12, 2001. Google users enter: swirsky collapse unbelievable
97. American Free Press. Eyewitness Reports Persis Of Bombs At WTC Collapse. By Christopher Bollyn. December 12, 2001. Google users enter: bollyn bombs lee robertson
98. Albuquerque Journal. ABQjournal.com. Explosives planted in towers,N.M. Tech Expert Says. By Oliver Uyttebrouck. September 11, 2001. Google users enter: romero explosives planted tower
99. Albuquerque Journal. ABQjournal.com. Fire, Not Extra Explosives, Doomed Buildings, Expert Says. By John Fleck. September 21, 2001. Google users enter: van romero fire not explosives
100. People Magazine. People.com United in Courage. September 12, 2001. Google users enter: people louie cacchioli 51
101. Reuters News Service. World Trade Center Scrap Sails for India, China. By Pete Harrison and Manuela Badawy .January 21, 2002. Google users enter: world trade center scrap sails
102. Chinese Radio International. January 2002. Google users enter: cri online world centre trade scrap
103. New York Daily News. Firefighter Mag raps 9/11 Probe. By Joe Calderone. January 4, 2002. Google users enter: joe calderone firefighter mag raps
104. Ibid
105. New York Times. Experts Urging Broader Inquiry In Towers’ Fall. December 25, 2001. Google users enter: times experts urging broader inquiry into towers fall
106. Ibid
107. Ibid
108. News India. Census of Sept. 11 Victims by Birthplace. April 26, 2002. Google users enter: census of sept. 11 victims by birthplace
109. Jerusalem Post. Thousands of Israelis missing near WTC, Pentagon. September 12, 2002. Google users enter: jerusalem post thousands israelis missing
110. New York Times. Bush speech to US Congress. September 22, 2001. Google users enter: nor will we forget more than 130 israelis
111A. CNN. September 11. A Memorial. Google users enter: cnn september 11 memorial
111B. NY Times. September 22, 2001
112. Newsbytes/Washington Post. Instant message to Israel warned of WTC attack. September 27, 2001. By Brian McWiliams Google users enter: instant messages Israel warned attack
113A. Jerusalem Post Digital Israel. Zim Workers Saved By Cost-Cutting Measures. November 12, 2001. Google users enter: zim workers saved if removed try: zim saved by move to virginia zim Israel navigation
113B Bible Light International. Zim saved by a Move to Virginia. June 2001 Google users enter: zim israel navigation world trade center Virginia
114A Jerusalem Post Digital Israel. Zim Workers Saved By Cost-Cutting Measures. November 12, 2001. Google users enter: zim workers saved if removed try: zim saved by move to virginia zim Israel navigation
114B. Bible Light International. Zim saved by a Move to Virginia. June 2001 Google users enter: zim israel navigation world trade center Virginia
115A. Jerusalem Post Digital Israel. Zim Workers Saved By Cost-Cutting Measures. November 12, 2001. Google users enter: zim workers saved if removed try: zim saved by move to virginia zim Israel navigation
115B. Bible Light International. Zim saved by a Move to Virginia. June 2001 Google users enter: zim israel navigation world trade center Virginia
116A. India Reacts. India in anti-Taliban military plan. June 21, 2001. Google users enter: india anti taliban military plan
116B. Jane’s International Security News. (England) India joins anti-Taliban coalition. By Rahul Bedi. March 15, 2001 Google users enter: india joins anti-taliban coalition Rahul Bedi
117. Der Erste.(Germany) Monitor. Aired December 20, 2001. Translated by Craig Morris. Google users enter: bin laden translation manipulated
for German original transcripts enter: monitor bin laden video restle sieker
118. Ibid
119. Sam Lacey. More Osama Video Analysis . Google users enter: more osama video analysis
120. The New York Times. Pentagon Considers Using Lies. By James Dao & Eric Schmitt. February 18,2001. Google users enter: new york times simon worden osi
121. Zionist Organization of America Press Release. October 13, 1997 Google users enter: Zionist organization america feith award
122. The Times (England). FBI Fails to Expose al-Qaeda networks. By Daniel McGrory. March 11, 2002. Google users enter: FBI Fails Expose al-Qaeda networks
123. Sydney Morning Herald. (Reprinted from Los Angeles Times) The Plot thins as FBI hunts for evidence. May 1, 2002 Google users enter: plot thins as FBI hunts evidence
124. Newsmax. Scandal inside the FBI: Why did G-Men Miss the Boat on 9-11? By Wes Vernon. March 14, 2002 Google users enter: robert wright fbi
125. Time Magazine. Time.com. Coleen Rowley's Memo to FBI Director Robert Mueller. May 21, 2002. Google users enter: time rowley memo mueller
126. Ibid
127. The Washington Post. 2 FBI whistleblowers Allege Lax Security, Possible Espionage. By James V. Grimaldi. June 18, 2001 Google users enter: sibel edmonds john cole
128. Ibid
129. Ibid
130. Los Angeles Times. Inquiries of Intelligence failures Hits Obstacles. By Greg Miller. Google users enter: times inquiry intelligence failures hits
131.www.fbi.gov FBI Major Speeches. Anti-Defamation League's 24th Annual National Leadership Conference. Washington, DC May 7, 2002 Google users enter: Mueller fbi adl speech
132. Arab News. ADL Found Guilty Of Spying By California Court . By Barbara Ferguson. Arab News Correspondent. April 27, 2002. Google users enter: barbara Ferguson adl guilty
133. Ibid
134. The Hartford Courant. Turmoil in a Perilous Place. Angry Scientists Allege Racism at Bio-warfare Lab. By Lynee Tuohy & Jack Dolan. December 19, 2001. Google users enter: courant assaad zack anthrax
135. Ibid
136. FBI. www.fbi.gov Google users enter: anthrax letters
137. Ibid
138. The Hartford Courant. Turmoil in a Perilous Place. Angry Scientists Allege Racism at Biowarfare Lab. By Lynee Tuohy & Jack Dolan. December 19, 2001. Google users enter: courant turmoil perilous place. And also anthrax downs zack
139. Ibid
140. Ibid
141. Hartford Courant. Anthrax Missing from Army Lab. By Jack Dolan & Dave Altimari. January 20, 2001. Google users enter: courant anthrax missing army lab
142. Ibid
143. See footnotes 138 and 141.
144. Globe and Mail. (Canada). On the Trail of an Anthrax Killer. By Paul Koring. March 6, 2001. Google users enter: globe mail trail anthrax killer
145. Seattle Times. Deadly specimens disappeared from Army research lab in '90s. Reprinted from Hartford Courant. January 21, 2002 Google users enter: seattle times anthrax zack
146. Insight Magazine. Media Manufacture Cloud of Suspicion Over Hatfill. August 14, 2002. By Nicholas Stix Google users enter kristof hatfilll
147. The Times of Trenton. Expert: Anthrax Suspect ID’d. By Joseph Dee. February 19, 2002. Google users enter: rosenberg hatfill
148. Insight Magazine. Media Manufacture Cloud of Suspicion Over Hatfill. August 14, 2002. By Nicholas Stix Google users enter kristof hatfilll
149. Washington Post. Ex Army Scientist Denies Role in Anthrax Attacks. August 2002. Google users enter: rosenberg hatfill
150. Washington Times. Scientist Says FBI asked About Setup. By Gus Taylor. August 3, 2001. Google users enter: hatfill fbi passed lie detector test
151. The Mercury (Philadelphia area newspaper) 2 Found with Video of Swears Tower. By Michelle Mowad. October 17, 2001 Google users enter: Mercury 2 found video sears tower
152. Ibid
153. Ibid
154. Ibid
155. Diario de Mexico. Bomba en San Lazaro. October 11, 2001. Google users enter: action report visual proof mexico and also mossad terrorists mexico
156. Mexican Department of Justice. (PGR) Press Bulletin. October 12, 2001. Bulletin 697/01 PGR bulletin can be viewed in Spanish, Google users enter: Mossad terrorists penetrate Mexican congress
157. Diario de Mexico. Bomba en San Lazaro. October 11, 2001. Google users enter: action report visual proof mexico and also mossad terrorists mexico
158. Mexican Attorney General Releases Zionist Terrorists. La Voz de Aztlan. By Ernesto Cienfuegos. October 15, 2001 Google users enter: mossad zionist terrorists mexico
159. Ibid
160. Jerusalem Post. FBI suspect Israelis of Nuclear Terrorism. November 1, 2001. Go to: www.jpost.com/Editions/2001/11/01/LatestNews/LatestNews.37390.html (Case sensitive. enter lower case and upper case letters exactly as shown. ) or Google to: Jerusalem post FBI suspect israelis nuclear
161. Ibid
162. Miami Herald. Nuclear plants tighten security FBI seeking 6 men seen in Midwest . By Martin Merzer, Curtis Morgan, & Lenny Savino. October 3, 2001. Google users enter: miami herald israelis nuclear power plans 163. The Times (England) FBI Fury as Men with Nuclear Plan Escape. By Katty Kay in Washington. November 1, 2001. Google users enter: katty kay fbi nuclear plan israeli
164. Los Angeles Time. Militant JDL Members Arrested by FBI. By Linda Deutsch. December 12, 2001. Google users enter: jdl bomb rubin issa
165. FOX News. Police Seize Rental Truck with TNT Traces. By Carl Cameron. May 13, 2001 Google users enter: fox bomb sniffing Israeli truck
166. Ha’aretz. (Israel) 2 Israelis wanted in US After Traces of Explosives Found in Their Truck. May 18, 2002 Google users enter: american police arrested two Israelis gear shift
167. FOX News. Massive Israeli Spy Operation2 Discovered in US. Carl Cameron Investigates. Four Part series. December 2001. Google users enter: israeli spy carl cameron investigates
168. Washington Post. 60 Israelis on Tourist Visas detained Since Sept. 11. By John Mintz. November 23, 2001. Google users enter: washington post 60 Israelis detained
169. FOX News website. Carl Cameron Investigates. This Story No Longer Exists. December 21, 2001. View this very strange posting. Google users enter: carl cameron this story no longer exists http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,40684,00.html
170. FOX News. Massive Israeli Spy Operation2 Discovered in US. Carl Cameron Investigates. Four Part series. December 2001. Google users enter: israeli spy carl cameron investigates
171. KHOU, Channel 11 (Houston) Federal Buildings Could be in Jeopardy - in Houston and Nationally October 10, 201. Google users enter: israeli art students federal buildings
172. Ibid
173. Ibid
174. FOX News. Massive Israeli Spy Operation Discovered in US. Carl Cameron Investigates. Four Part series. December 2001. Google users enter: Israeli spy carl cameron
175. See footnote # 51
176. See footnote # 122
177. FOX News. Massive Israeli Spy Operation Discovered in US. Carl Cameron Investigates. Four Part series. December 2001. Google users enter: Israeli spy carl cameron
178. Executive Intelligence Review. Lyndon Larouche. January 2001. Google users enter: larouche middle east war implications
179. Arizona Daily Star. .WWIII Is Coming 'Whether They Like It Or Not' - Top Sharon Aide By Stephanie Innes, April 27, 2002. Google users enter: gissin world war coming like or not 180. CNS News. Israel to US: Don't Wait To Attack Iraq, Report Says. August 2002. Google users enter: peres iraq attack
181. New York Post. Today We are All Americans. By Benjamin Netanyahu. September 21, 2001. Google users enter: netanyahu today we all americans
182. ABC News20/20. ABCNews.com, June 21,2001.Google users enter : white van Israeli spies
183. New York Times. Spilled Blood is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer. By James Bennet. September 12, 2001. Google users enter: new york times spilled blood bond draws
184. CNN. Sharon Compares Incursions to U.S. War on Terror. CNN.com. May 7, 2002. Google users enter: Sharon speech adl
185. The Jerusalem Post.Jewish leaders stress Palestinians' support of attacks. By Melissa Radler. September 13, 2001. Google users enter: radler jewish congress jack rosen 186. Telegraph. (England) Bush will act alone if need be, says Perle. By Toby Harnden in Washington, August 9, 2002. Google users enter: perle bush will act alone
187. The obscure goat story of 9-11. ecclesia.org. Google users enter: obscure goat story bush and also card bush turned somber reading
188. Day of Deceit. By Robert Stinnett. (Simon and Schuster 2001) Google users enter: robert stinnett pearl harbor
189. Time Magazine. How George Bush Earned His Summer Vacation. By James Carney and John Dickerson. August 5, 2001. Google users enter: longest vacation in presidential history
190. CBS News. Tariq Azis interview with Dan rather. August 20,2002 Google users enter: tariq aziz dan rather
191. Washington's Farewell Address. Google users enter: washington's farewell address