ZNet T
Today's Quote
"Prejedices are what fools use for reason"
-- Voltaire 
 More Quotes

Main Authors
Chomsky, Roy, Albert/Shalom, Herman, Fisk, Monbiot, Pilger, RAWA, Solomon, Ali, Street,
Jensen, Galaeno, Podur, Wise, Prashad, Edwards, Zinn, Flanders, Cockburn -- appear below

Epaminondas : Chomsky Interview
Chomsky: Terror and Just Response Chomsky: Aussie Interview
Chomsky On Media Coverage
Shalom Interviews Chomsky
Chomsky: Afghanistan
Chomsky: After 9/110
Chomsky Talk (Madras)
Q & A Session
Chomsky: MIT Talk Transcript
Chomsky Talk at at MIT (audio)
Chomsky: MSNBC Chat 
Chomsky: Aussie Radio (audio)
Chomsky: Long NZ Interview
Chomsky Answers Albert Questions
Chomsky and Casey
Chomsky et. al. and Hitchens
Chomsky Interview 5
Chomsky Interview 4
Chomsky Interview 3
Chomsky Interview 2
Chomsky Interview 1
Chomsky: B92 Interview
Chomsky: On the bombings


Fisk: Arab States Reject attack on Saddam 1 Fisk: Arabs Don't Want War On Iraq Fisk: Bush's Vision Of 'Democracy' Fisk: US Morality Distorted By 9/11 Fisk: A Firestorm Is Coming
Fisk: Arab States Reject Attack
Fisk: Congratulations America
Fisk: America's Distorted Morality
Fisk: War Part Two...
Fisk: My Beating
Fisk: Mullah Omar
Fisk: River of Victims
Fisk: Colonial War
Fisk: War Criminals
Fisk: Cornered Chameleon
Fisk: Behind the Lines
Fisk: Our Friends?
Fisk: Northern Alliance
Fisk: New Atrocities...
Fisk: Hypocrisy and the War
Fisk: Blame Someone Else
Fisk: War Fog?
Fisk: bin Laden Obsession
Fisk: Promises, Promises
Fisk: Talking War
Fisk: Tectonic Disruption
Fisk: Our Friends?
Fisk: Loose Conjecture
Fisk: Political Reward
Interviewing Robert Fisk
Fisk: Bomb Tragic People?
Fisk: Awesome Cruelty
Fisk: bin Laden...


RAWA Statement: April 28
RAWA: Against War
RAWA Northern Alliance
RAWA: On the bombing


Roy: War Is Peace
Roy: Algebra of Infinite Justice


Cockburn: Killing Stones
Cockburn: Treacherous General
Ali: New Empire Loyalists...
Ali: King of Afghanistan...
Ali: The Future...
Ali: Q/A About Taliban and Islam...
Ali: Kingdom of Corruption
Ali: Political Solution


Street: Defending Civilization
Street: Liar Liar
Street: Toward a Decent Left?
Street: Empire/Prisons


Galeano: Awards
Galeano: The Machine
Galeano: Symbols
Galeano: Theatre


Podur: Stop the Killing?
Podur: Hate Us?
Podur: Letter to Elites
Podur: No Negotiations
Podur: Common Arguments
Podur: More War
Podur: The Bombings


Prashad: Camp X Ray And The Problem
Prashad: Hawks Circle South Asia
Prashad: Aerial Bombardment
Prashad: Indulgences
Prashad: Shrouded by Flags
Prashad: Pakistan's Vice
Prashad: War on the Planet
Prashad: Nothing Good


Peters: Movement Building
Peters: Veil on the Truth
Peters: It's Simple, Not So Simple
Peters: To Parents


Wise: Selective Indignation
Wise: Consistently Inconsistent
Wise: Accountability?
Wise: Naive View?
Wise: Enemies?
Wise: To My Baby Girl


Edwards: Media Alert
Edwards: Media Ignores Deaths
Edwards: Chomsky's 9/11
Edwards:Cluster Bombs
Edwards: Media Machinations


Flanders: "Arab CNN" Bombed
Flanders: Warnacular
Flanders: Reports on the Scent


Zinn: The Others
Zinn: Retaliation
Zinn: Not a Just WarCaroll.


Said: Thoughts About America 1
Said: Thoughts about America 2
Said: Lift the Spirit
Said: Clash of Ignorance
Said: Necessity of Skepticism
Said: The Events and After


Herman: Axis of Evil in DC
Herman/Peterson: Who Terrorizes
Herman: Price Is Worth It
Herman: Civilization?
Albert/Shalom: Q&A Nov. 15
Albert: What To Do?
Shalom: Just War?
Albert: What's So Complex?
Albert/Shalom: War In Afghanistan 
Albert: Opening Shots
Albert/Shalom: Arguments Against
Points Q&A
Albert: What's Going On
Shalom: Why Hate?
Albert et al and Hitchens
Albert: Movement Prospects
Albert: Calamitous Perspective
Albert: Perceiving the Situation
Against War PDF handout
Pilger: Camp X-Ray Concentration Camp Pilger: The Great Charade Pilger: Hollywood Hurrah
Pilger: Not In Our Names
Pilger: The Colder War
Pilger: Camp X-Ray
Pilger: Behind America's War
Pilger: Truths?
Pilger: False Victory
Pilger: Hidden Agenda
Pilger: No War on Terrorism
Pilger: War in the American Tradition
Pilger: Similar Outcries?
Pilger: Inevitable unimaginable


Monbiot: Race War
Monbiot: Dirty Bombs Detonator
Monbiot: Riddle of the Spores
Monbiot: America's Bioterror
Monbiot: Race War
Monbiot: Black Hawk Down
Monbiot: Imperial War
Monbiot: Victory?
Monbiot: Backyard Terrorism
Monbiot: America's Pipe Dream
Monbiot: Into the Morass
Monbiot: Genocide or Peace?
Monbiot: Collateral Repair
Monbiot: The Need for Dissent


Solomon: PENTAGON'S SILVER LINING Solomon: Pentagon Strategy
Solomon: War Public Relations
Solomon: Media Spin
Solomon: TV Coverage
Solomon: Killing Civilians
Solomon: Journalists Report 
Solomon: Masters of War
Solomon: Vengeance?


Jensen: Nov 1 Talk at UT
Mahajan: Poisoning the Well...
Mahajan/Jensen: Hearts and Minds
Jensen/Mahajan: War of Lies
Jensen/Mahajan: Drain the Swamp
Mahajan/Jensen: Unlimited War
Jensen: Why I dissent
Jensen: Doing Something
Jensen: Sept 11
Arnove: Cluster Bombs
Moore: Hail Bush!
Evergreen Coll Response
Steele: Fighting the Wrong War
Herold: Civilian Victims (long) 
Norton: Don't Trust On Iraq
Plesch : Bush May Get Support 
Loeb : Patriotic Ballads 
Ritter: What Does Iraq Have to Hide?
Silverstein: No War for Oil! 
Peters: Anniversary 9/11
Pitt: October War in Iraq
Sponneck: Call Bush's Bluff 
Parenti: Terrorism Trap
Everest: Target Iraq
News: Kusturica Opposes Bombardment
Steel: Bart Goes To War
Franklin: Terrorist Connections 
Walkom: War On Terror 
Steinberg: Documentary 
Hoodbhoy: What, Us Worry?
Street: Misunderstanding Power
Lucas: The Policeman Of The Left
Evans: Deconstructing The War 
Bunting: This Futile Campaign 
Bricmont: Anti-Imperialists 
Brodhead: 9/11 Families 
Georgian: Us Eyes Caspian Oil 
Hin: Oil Got to Do With It
Smith: Countdown to Doomsday
Whitaker: Don't Always Trust 
Karpf: Uncle Sam's Lucky Finds
RAWA: Let Us Struggle 
MD: Anthrax Vaccine
Santina: March Madness 
Steel: Don't Ask For Evidence, 
News: Northern Alliance 
Landau: I Don't Show No Stinkin Reasons
Turnipseed: War Is Wrong
Corn: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Martin: Real threat unmasked
Frontiers: MSF report
FAIR: Pentagon Propaganda 
Sutherland: No more Mr Scrupulous Guy
Jones: OK, George
Milne: Can the US be defeated? 
Walkom: War Without End
Beaumont: Armed to the Teeth 
MacKenzie: Anthrax Attacks
Grossman: Side Effects Or Causes 
Glass: Camp X-Ray 
Gerson: Bush's War
Munson: Killing For The Flag
Glick: On Ending Terrorism
Evans: Deconstructing War
Bunting: Futile Campaign
Bricmont: Anti-Imperialism
Kolhatkar: Afghan Women
Georgian: Caspian Oil
Du Boff: Biggest Rogue
Siu-Hin: Covert Oil War?
U.S. Letter to Europeans
War Times: A Print Resource
Whitaker/Palmer: Lies
Kucinich: Call for Peace
Whitworth: Secrecy Unlawful
Karpf: Lucky Finds
Gerson: Bush's War!
Grossman: Ain't Over
Shahzad: Pakistan Boxed In
Noble Prize-ers Appeal
Starvation Update
Browne: Kabul's Fall?
Green Response...
Marable: Failure of U.S. Policy
Schackelford: Patriotism?
Schechter: Media Management
Killing for the Flag
Santina: March Madness
Steel: Nuke Baghdad
Benn: Speech to Strike
North. Alliance Rape
Scheer: Desperation
Landau: Stinkin Reasons
Corn: Conspiracies?
Shukralah: Personality Disorder
Macaskil: Suez to Pacific
Turnipseed: War Is Wrong
MSF Report: Food Crisis
Kucinich (OH): Prayer America
Hensman: On The Brink
Fair Reports on Pentagon Plan
Stop the War! (DC, April 20!
Sutherland: Mr. Scrupulous?
Jones: Friendly Bombs
New Scientist: Anthrax Attacks?
Milne: Defeat the U.S.?
Victim: War is Not Justice
Parish: Media and Death
Traynor: Afghans Still Dying
Gerson: Roots of War
European Communique 
Goldenberg: Afghan Horror 
Campbell: Friends Of Terrorism
Correggia: Epicenter Of Tragedy
Grossman: New Military Bases
Manthorpe: Bush Carried Away
Walkom: War Without End
hysicians for Hum. Rts. report
Glass: Camp X-Ray
Glick: Ending Terror
Ritter: The Phantom Threat
Shiva: Terrorism as Cannibalism
Zunes: U.S. in Somalia
Lobe: US Hypocrisy
Beaumont: American Cant
AI: Criticism of POW Treatment
Sponeck: Alternatives in Iraq
Bloody Evidence
Nessman: Eat Grass
Jones: Put a Sack on it
Smith: Bishop got it right
Gerson: East Asian Front
McKinley: Slaughterhouse
Bello: American Way of War
Basu: Rape of Afghanistan
Lynch: Two Islamic Soldiers
Lamb: The Slaughterhouse
Karacs: Humanitarian Crisis
Dillon: Hunger Spin
Younge: Lots of Wars
Kolhatkar: War Against Afghans
Hampshire: Vote/Statement
Raynor: Disaster
Kenna: Afghanistan Deteriorates
Miller: Love Affair With Terror
Parry: War on Terrorism
Mumia: On to Iraq?
Harris: Warlords
Everest: Attack Iraq?
Fassihi: Home is a Blanket
Turnipseed: Terror Continuum
Blum: Rebuilding Afghanistan
Avnery: The Holy Alliance
Klein: Repressive Realignments
FAIR: Victory?
Milne: Hollow Victory
Walter: Refugees
Turnipseed: Broadcast/Bombs
Bunting: The Raging Colossus
Miller: World Opinion
Tanter: Oil's Actual Role
Ratner: Police State?
Ridgeway: Northern Alliance
Amnesty Intl. Nov 13
Bivens: Civilian Deaths 
Prevent Starvation
Johnstone: The Morning After
McReynolds: WRL
Vanaik: Shadow on Press
Ratner: The Legal Outlook
Warnock: Family of Terrorists
Parry: Bomb Dam, Kill Million...
FAIR: Media Malevolence
McCann: Cluster Bombing
Palast: Back off bin Laden?
Parrish: Coming Apocalypse
Warren: Cluster Bombing
Sommers: Distorting Blowback
Foley: Legal Analysis
Abdul Haq: Last Interview...
Yamada: Health Workers
Browne: Still not Justified
Reinhart: Stop Israel
Healy: War Not Justice
Everest: Iraq and Afghanistan
Burchill: Mad, Bad...
Pollack: Times' Refugees
Sommers: Distorting Blowback
Ratner...: Creating Terrorists...
Hersh: King's Ransom
Rahman: Child's View
Bouzid: If CIA Had Butted Out...
Mokbiber...: Against War
Guardian: Brothers in Arms
Simpson: Wreck the land...
Riddell: Save the Children
Galloway: No Silence
Ingalls: Humanitarianism?
Parenti: Terrorism ...
Thobani Replies: War Frenzy
Thobani: Vengeance
McVeigh: Aid Agencies Plead...
Bombing Not the Answer
Winant: Global Realignment?
Kingsolver: No Glory
Foot: Shabby Excuse
Kromm: Week One
Heikal: No Targets...
The Northern Alliance?...
Chien: Civilian Toll
ACLU: Surveillance Update/Report
Weisbrot: Financial War
Mandel: Illegal War
Garson: Multi-Focus or Bust
Porter: Bombing the Truth
Sammonds: British Culpability
Dorfman: Rest have known...
Shiva: Against Terrorism
Miller: Brits Oppose War
Zunes: Ten Things To Know
NYC Labor Statement
Lee: 13 Questions
Allen: Afghan disaster
Kingsolver: Pure Anguish
Brecher: Global Justice
Ratner: A Legal Alternative
Baroud: Feel the Pain?
Shah: Revenge Comes Home
Gerassi: Tears Forever?
Toensing: College Movement
Choudry: Suspicious Minds
Schechter: Threats to the Media
Loewenstein: Palestinian Responses
Normand: The Choice is Ours
Klare: What Kind of War?
Bacon: To End Terrorism...
Buckley: Afghan Disaster
Street: On Waking Up...
Conyers: Liberty at Risk
Dominick: Greatest Argument
Ansary: Afghan View
Avnery: Twin Towers
Klein: End of Video Game Wars
Ingalls: Terror Attacks...
Sommers: Blowback
Bennis: Interview
Moore: Death downtown
Black Radical Congress
Schechter: Media Coverage
Morris: Speech for Bush
Bricmont: End of End of History
All by Date
All by Author
Key Material
Newest Material
Humanitarian Crisis
International Law
Anti-War Arguments
Middle East and
Afghan Background
Media Critiques
Domestic Aspects
War Preparations
Personal Statements
Immediate Reactions
Activism Materials
Christian Aid
Oxfam International
Islamic Relief
World Food Program
Center for Economic and Social Rights
Doctors Without Borders
Red Cross
ZNet Top
Mideast Watch
Other Alt. Media 
IndyPeace Stop The War
Media Workers
Against the War
War Resisters 
MADRE Toolkit
Global Exchange
The War In Context
Peaceful Justice
Ins. for Publ. Acc
Just Response
Common Dreams
For Policy in Focus
Second Press
Working for change
911 Peace
Move On Campaign
American Arab