Israel and 9/11
4000 Jews worked at the Twin Towers in September 2001
but on the morning of September 11 they could not have
been at work...WHY?

Officially only THREE (3) of them were victims!
Even the Israeli Newsagency 9/11 website only names
a total of FIVE (5) Israeli victims!
( Israeli Newsagency Report On Israeli 9/11 Victims )

Hagai Shefi had migrated to the US from Israel in 1992,
Shai Levinhar had also migrated a decade earlier, while
Leon Lebor was actually born and raised in England

The only other Israelis to die on 9/11 were
Danny Lewin...who was a passenger on Flight 11 and
Alona Abrahams...who was a passenger on Flight 175

Could this be why so few Israelis died?
The Warnings on Odigo

See for yourself  CNN Victims Memorial  -  Click On Israel