A quick note about anthrax And why it is actually a poor choice for terrorists 

The Great Anthrax Stock Swindle How certain people made money off of the anthrax letters 

The key suspect in the anthrax letters case is NOT Dr. Steven Hatfill 

Is support for Israel Bush's "Back door" to war in the Mideast? 

Is Israel blackmailing the US 

How Israel controls what you read 

Palestinians buried in their homes 

Bush's desperation play 

Bush caught in a lie about the WTC attacks. The 1st article that caught Bush's comment about seeing the 1st plane hit the 1st tower. 

Let's nuke Chicago Reducto ad absurdum on the war. 

The works of a "civilized" people 

Dead microbiologists 

Just exactly who we bombed in Afghanistan. 

You are a potential terrorist if you quote the Constitution, according to the FBI. 

Dan Rather interviews a FEMA official who admits to being snt to New York the night BEFORE the 9-11 attacks. 

The stories of 9-11 the American media hopes you will forget 

The Anthrax letters are proof of a frame-up of Arabs. 

What did the government know and when did it know it. The article that triggered the first of the hacker attacks on this site. 

The truth is "hate speech" only to those who have something to hide



All 9-11 airports serviced by one company. 



On the subject of government informants 



5 men arrested after 9-11 with maps of targets 

Brzezinski Admits Afghan Islamism Was Made in Washington 




A MEAN AND NASTY TRICK US drops food packages on Afghanistan that look just like food packages 

Two Israelis arrested with bombs in the Mexican Congress! 

Who is responsible for the National Debt 

Operation Northwoods 

Fake Terror, The Road To War And Dictatorship 

Our nation is in deep doodoo 

It's all about the oil 

Why I oppose one world government 

Osama confession tape turns out to be a fake 

The war in Afghanistan was planned before 9-11 

The memo that proves Pearl Harbor was planned by FDR 

The Israeli Spy Ring and its connections to 9-11

09/11/02 George W. Bush prays! 

09/11/02 ''The Government vs. The People'' We must come to the reluctant conclusion that there is now a fundamental conflict of interest between the masses (the people) and those who govern us (the government). 

09/11/02 ''Afghanistan remembers'' 


09/11/02 Allan Favish's petition for certiorari before the U.S. Supreme Court in the matter of six still-unreleased photos of Vincent Foster's body as it la at the scene of the crime. PDF file. 


09/11/02 Government Refuses to Release Communications From 9/11 Planes 

09/11/02 FAA Releases Some Daily Reports for 9/11 Time Frame, Refuses to Release Others 

09/11/02 The Flight 93 Tape "Peterson said he learned things from the tape that he did not know before, but declined to elaborate." 

NATION NOW ON ORANGE ALERT!  - Expecting attack of scurvy! Seriously, if you were a terrorist, and saw the trouble the US Government was having selling this war that nobody wants, would you go ahead and carry out a terror attack to give the US the justification it needed to steal all the oil under the Middle East? Would you give the US Government the distraction it needed from the soaring unemployment, the soaring foreclosures, the soaring bankruptcies, the plummeting Dow? Or would you just sit back, do nothing, have a cold iced tea, and watch the US Government continue to destroy itself by lies and corruption? If there is a terror event, it will not be carried out by Arab Muslims, it will be carried out by those who want and need war in the Mideast, the US and/or Israel.

09/10/02 ISRAELIS WANT TO RULE AIR SAFETY And what a wonderful job they did on 9-11

09/10/02 The Foreign Press picks up on Bush's strange behavior at the school 

09/10/02 Post-9/11, 'sanitized' sites aim to shield data ... or evidence. 

09/10/02 Jet fuel prices soar 

09/10/02 Sharon's go-between: Arie Genger 

09/10/02 Switzerland admitted to UN 

09/10/02 The U.N. chief weapons inspector said Tuesday there is no evidence from aerial photos or other sources that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction or is trying to build them. 

09/10/02 Letter from WRH reader printed in Montreal Gazette 

09/10/02 Oil price climbs on US warning of threat to oil tankers 


09/10/02 Iraq called for Arabs to strike American targets if a US military attack is launched on President Saddam Hussein as US President George W. Bush prepared to state his case for action to the United Nations. 

09/10/02 Say it ain’t so America’s image problem is about facts, not public relations 

09/10/02 Cancer breakthrough stuns scientific world Knowing how the US pharmaceutical industry wants treatments, not cures, expect this to vanish. 

09/10/02 Is America on the verge of a military coup? 

09/10/02 MSNBC 9-11 timeline still claiming Bush left reading classroom "5 minutes" after being told of second plane impact. Click on "Bush told of flight 175 crash" at 9:15. In fact, as documented on this video tape, Bush stayed and read to the children for almost half an hour after being told of the impact of flight 175 into the second tower. 

09/10/02 Netanyahu: Protestors support terrorists Real patriots listen to and believe everything Israel says! 

09/10/02 From August 2001, just 1 month before 9-11: Israel's undercover assassins 

09/10/02 The Zionist Content of the American Threats against Iraq 

09/10/02 U.S. evidence against Iraq: Nothing new 


09/10/02 Hatfill being framed by Jewish organization. "Oddly enough, what little, shaky evidence there is, insofar as anyone ever bothers to cite it, inevitably traces from -- or through, or back to -- an outfit called the Jewish Defense Organization (JDO). " 

09/10/02 U.S. Mint May Give Money a Makeover It does kinda look like gas station game tokens these days. 

09/10/02 Why Sharon is a War Criminal 

09/10/02 Death to America AMERICA's war on terrorism did not begin in September 2001. It began in November 1979. 

09/10/02 The Chickenhawks updated! 

09/10/02 Buzz Aldrin punches moon conspiracy theorist AND ABOUT #$%^# TIME, TOO! (Way to go, Buzz!) 

09/10/02 ‘Secrets of the Tomb’ Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power

09/10/02 Mossad gets a new boss. We're watching you, Mr. Dagan. 

09/10/02 Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan said today that the United States and Britain are lying about Iraq developing weapons of mass destruction to justify a military strike aimed at ousting President Saddam Hussein. And the oil. Let's not forget that oil. 

09/10/02 RITTER PUTS HOLES IN CHENEY'S ALUMINUM TUBES STORY I have aluminum pipes in this table. 

09/10/02 From March, 2002: Britain accused on terror lab claim 

09/10/02 Mandela: U.S. a threat to world peace Yes. 

09/10/02 More photos from Portland 

09/10/02 All eyes are on Oceanfront's new surveillance system Previous tests of the system have yielded thousands of "false positives" and not a single criminal. 

09/10/02 Cheney Moved to Secret Location ... at 19844 Blue Ridge Mountain Rd.

09/10/02 Gov. Bush issues order to extend polling hours 

09/10/02 September 9, 2002 - 911's Ongoing Victims Okay, he's a sock, but he's a smart sock! 

09/10/02 Iraq challenges U.S. on evidence 

09/10/02 Iraq shows reporters buildings claimed by US to house WMD development. US batting zero. 

09/10/02 Thou Shalt Not Steal It is a sad indictment on the state of democracy at the beginning of the 21st century that UK PM Tony Blair and US President George Bush both claim to be Christians. Seemingly in spite of everything that their professed faith stands for – i.e. peace and goodwill to all men - the two men appear hell-bent on starting a war in the Middle East, and they claim to be doing this to protect us. 

09/10/02 Famous Quotes about Liberty 

09/10/02 Downing Street seizes on Iraq weapons report to fuel war talk The report concedes, though, that Iraq's military capability, including weapons of mass destruction, is far weaker now than it was before the Gulf War in 1991. 

09/10/02 Who's afraid of the N-word? Iraq's only got a few dud Scuds, and even if it does get the bomb somehow, we're just not scared of that any more. 

09/10/02 The burden of proof It is not necessary to be a rocket scientist to understand that George Bush and Tony Blair are in trouble over Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. The problem is not military, not yet at least; it is political. Every time the two men pronounce that Saddam Hussein poses an urgent threat, they are asked for their proof. And every time, as again at the weekend at Camp David, they fall back on assertions and claims, suspicions and half-baked half-truths. 

09/10/02 MP wants Speaker to overrule Blair A Labor MP will today ask parliament's most senior official to allow him to hire the empty House of Commons chamber next week to debate the crisis in Iraq for the first unofficial parliamentary assembly since the "rump parliament" which led to the execution of Charles I in 1649. 

09/10/02 Tel Aviv hackers close down another alternative web site

09/10/02 The year after: The plot thins, but US spins 


"Many of my generation, the career captains, majors, and lieutenant colonels seasoned in that (Vietnam) war, vowed that when our turn came to call the shots, we would not quietly acquiesce in halfhearted warfare for half-baked reasons that the American people could not understand or support. If we could make good on that promise to ourselves, to the civilian leadership, and to the country, then the sacrifices of Vietnam would not have been in vain." -- Colin Powell 

Here is the original raw video tape that proves Andy Card and the White House are lying. Bush sits and does nothing until it is time to read the story about the goat.

09/10/02 The big threat in the Middle East is Israel, not Iraq: it could play the nuclear card to blackmail the Americans Israel has enough nuclear bombs (paid for by US taxpayers) to render the major oil fields in the Mideast too radioactive to use. Is this how Israel continues to blackmail the industrialized nations? 

09/10/02 THE GREATEST HOAX IN HISTORY Israel's modern-day Jews are not the descendants of the Biblical Hebrews. Khazars hijacked the Jewish religion in the seventh century. 

09/10/02 Bush is intent on painting allies and enemies in the Middle East as evil Only The Nation among all of America's newspapers and magazines has dared to point out that a large number of former Israeli lobbyists are now working within the American administration and the Bush plans for the Middle East - which could cause a massive political upheaval in the Arab world - fit perfectly into Israel's own dreams for the region. 

09/10/02 Arrogant Washington cabal fuels unease of allies 

09/10/02 Ariel Cohen: Not Just America’s War After reading this, I cannot imagine why Robert Fiske thinks Israel's supporters are behind this war in Iraq. 

09/10/02 Remembering Shawn Pine Shortly after 9-11, while the US Government was classifying the evidence linking arrested Israeli spies to 9-11, an Israeli citizen, former IDF officer and staunchly pro-Israel activist in charge of a US intelligence unit was arrested, then quietly shown the door. Israel claimed it was "anti-Semitism", of course, but the timing suggests that the US realized only after 9-11 just how deeply Israel had penetrated the US Intelligence Apparatus. 

09/10/02 Washington Post tries to explain away world's hatred of America as simple jealousy. Actually, those other nations hate the US because the US screws around with other people's nations. 

09/10/02 Terrorism, drugs, and you: 'Traffickers, Terrorists & You' exhibit opens at DEA Museum Noelle Bush, white courtesy phone. 

09/10/02 Liberty and the pursuit of terrorists Where the Bush administration’s anti-terror campaign goes wildly astray 

Fox News is now reporting that, well, okay, yeah, Bush really DIDN'T leave immediately after being told about the second plane impact because, because, because, because he didn't want to upset the children. That's it, he didn't want to upset the kiddies, so instead of standing up and saying, "I'm sorry but I have to go do something important and I will be right back" Bush just sat there while airplanes were crashing into buildings. And if you believe THAT, I have a watch to sell you. 

Fox News is also reporting that Scott Ritter is under "secret investigation" (which is why it's all over the news) and may be in more legal trouble than John Walker Lindh. 

09/10/02 UQ Wire: Connecting The Dots Bush..Bath..Bin Laden 

09/10/02 Who doesn't want the implications of their own schemes revealed? WHO? The biggest conspiracy of all is the claim that there are no conspiracies. 

09/10/02 Methods of Media Manipulation. A lesson in today's reality!! 

09/10/02 "Please remain calm, Citizen. We are here to help you. Take a number and wait your turn for execution." 

09/10/02 Mr. White House Counsel, meet the Constitution Cadets at the Naval Postgraduate School tear White House Council apart on Constitutional issues 

09/10/02 Forest Fires? Cut Down Trees; Kids Fail? Close Schools; Terrorists? Take Away Our Freedoms The conventional wisdom is set, and most polls and pundits agree: 9/11 changed everything. But did it really? 

09/10/02 Things you do not learn in school. But need to learn NOW! 

09/10/02 Haaretz: Rumsfeld seeks to emulate bungling Mossad

09/10/02 A dangerous clash of cultures Somewhere between 9/11 and today, the war on terror changed course to become a war of civilizations. 

09/10/02 Israel is developing a biological `ethnic bomb' that kills Arabs, but leaves Jews unharmed. So claimed the respected London Sunday Times on 15 November, citing Israeli military and western intelligence sources. And with a shift of a few amino acids, the same biological weapon can target any ethnic group.

09/10/02 What really happened in Jenin 

09/10/02 Saddam Hussein will probably attack Israel in response to a U.S. strike on Iraq, in which case Israel would "for certain" retaliate, Israel's president said Tuesday. Hey, I have a kinky idea, let's just call off the war! 

09/10/02 Top Ten Reasons to Oppose U.S. aid to Israel

Here is the original raw video tape that proves Andy Card and the White House are lying. Bush sits and does nothing until it is time to read the story about the goat.

09/10/02 The respected International Institute for Strategic Studies demolished claims by Tony Blair and President Bush that Iraq's weapons are a direct and imminent threat to America and Europe. 

09/10/02 War Without Evidence But what is the evidence that Iraq is preparing to launch an attack on the United States? There is none. 

09/10/02 UNLIMITED DAMAGE- It is very likely that the nuclear taboo may soon be broken "There are genuine fears that the anticipated American war on Iraq might lead to such an explosion of hostility towards the United States of America that somewhere down the line, over the next few years or decades nuclear weapons might be used by terrorist groups or by the US itself. " (Or Israel) 

09/10/02 Team Bush on warpath Let them go themselves, then

Click for full size

09/10/02 How an infographics artist discovered Bush was lying!

09/10/02 From September 20, 2001: Panic and Indignity: The Currency of Revenge 

09/10/02 USA TO EXPORT HUGE QUANTITIES OF WEAPONRY TO ISRAEL Now you know who is really behind this war 

09/10/02 Saudis stall western oilmen 

09/10/02 The alleged roommates of the FBI informant are also on the still alive list! 

09/10/02 Excerpts from Scott Ritter's speech before Iraq parliament 

09/10/02 Israel agrees to allow US to stockpile military materials in Israel I guess they DO read this web site after all! 

09/10/02 MOSSAD or MI6? 

09/10/02 Re: MOSSAD or MI6? 

09/10/02 A THOUGHT

09/10/02 Blair called a sycophant as anti-war jibes get personal 

09/10/02 Schroeder says Germans won't "click heels" for US 


09/10/02 Rumsfeld rejects calls for more Iraq proof Meaning they don't HAVE any!

CNN is reporting that the US Government has raised the terror threat level saying there is an increased risk of terrorist attack. Well, if this isn't just more "rattle the voters so they can't think" propaganda, and the US has facts pointing to a terror attack, then why not arrest the terrorists? If they don't have facts that allow them to arrest the terrorists, then this IS just more "keep the folks scared witless" crap. 

09/10/02 NSA Documents Reveal Israeli USS Liberty Attack Deliberate 

09/10/02 Senate for Sale Party affiliations available for a price 

09/10/02 U.S. Diplomatic and Commercial Relationships with Iraq, 1980 - 2 August 1990 "Analysts recognized that "civilian" helicopters can be weaponized in a matter of hours and selling a civilian kit can be a way of giving military aid under the guise of civilian assistance.[8] Shortly after removing Iraq from the terrorism sponsorship list, the Reagan administration approved the sale of 60 Hughes helicopters.[9] Later, and despite some objections from the National Security Council (NSC), the Secretaries of Commerce and State (George Baldridge and George Shultz) lobbied the NSC advisor into agreeing to the sale to Iraq of 10 Bell helicopters,[10] officially for crop spraying." 

09/10/02 National Relief Caravan Schedule & Route September 28 - October 19, 2002 

09/10/02 Jeb Bush's daughter caught with cocaine And they had a really, REALLY, good reason why they didn't arrest her, too! UPDATE: While the newspapers describe the drugs as powder, the Florida TV report described the cocaine as a "hard rock-like chunk". 

09/10/02 Secret Appellate Court Met This Week to Hear Government Plea for Broader Wiretap Powers "When or if the court's ruling on the department's request will ever be made public was not clear. " Which means that YOU aren't allowed to know if what the government does is legal or not

Here is the original raw video tape that proves Andy Card and the White House are lying. Bush sits and does nothing until it is time to read the story about the goat.

09/10/02 Blair: World Must Act Against Saddam You know, I am sick of phonies who argue to send off other people's children to war while sitting in safety. If Blair and Bush think this war is so just and moral. Why aren't they at the point themselves leading the charge. The same applies to all those fakers calling the radio shows insisting that war in Iraq is right and just and moral. If they truly felt that, they wouldn't be here sitting on a phone to the radii station; they would he in Iraq. The fact that they ARE still here making phone calls proves these warhawks are just chickenhawks, wanting YOUR children to bleed for THEIR ambitions. As a rule, one should ignore (and even ridicule) those who argue for war while staying at home themselves. 

09/10/02 U.S. not claiming Iraqi link to terror Meaning the claim that Osama and Saddam were linked was another fiction by the chickenhawks to try to start a war. 

09/10/02 How Europe sees the US 

09/10/02 White House says U.S. can help bring Iraq 'stability and peace' Just like we did in Afghanistan! 

09/10/02 Rise of a New Imperialism 

09/10/02 Israel's colonial war 

09/10/02 Police clash with protesters prior to Netanyahu speech 

09/10/02 What is wrong with TIPS? A WW I Horror Story Ripped from the History Books The problem with power is that it attracts the very people who should not have it. TIPS will inevitably attract people who will use the ability to cause trouble for innocent Americans as a tool for petty vengeance, sexual coercion, clandestine profit, or simple self-glorification.

09/10/02 Blast damages home of Chavez ally in Venezuela Looks like the US hasn't quite finished with those southern oil fields. 

09/10/02 Navy’s official arrested for conspiring to kill Musharraf America's puppets are loved the world over. 

09/10/02 'Shut up, he explained ... W's idea of a national conversation' "Having been pounded for weeks on all fronts, W's recent coming out on the Iraq Question has demonstrated once again that when it comes to honest analysis and honest debate, the administration takes a powder. " 

09/10/02 Pakistan fears India attack if US hits Iraq 


09/10/02 Rumsfeld: Multiple wars 'do-able' More than Iraq in the cross-hairs. 

09/10/02 Bush: Post-Saddam Iraq not US job Translation: US bombs it, the rest of the world cleans up the mess. (But Bush gets those oil wells).

09/10/02 World leaders hope to be asked, not told Hope all you want. The madmen want the war by any means necessary. 

09/10/02 Accounts in Israeli banks used for terrorism, central bank believes. But golly gee whillikers, we can't take a closer look right now! 

09/10/02 Islamic party calls for oil sanctions against US over Iraq 

09/10/02 Reno asks for extended voting hours after many problems reported in South Florida 200 all over again. See VOTESCAM

09/10/02 Vote Fraud in Miami-Dade? Count On It! 

09/10/02 Israel solves its demographic problem by stripping Arabs of citizenship. Once again Israel copies the methods of the Nazis 

09/10/02 The United States has strengthened its defensive shield over Washington and New York ahead of the first anniversary of the 11 September attacks. Which is why the folks pretending to be terrorists will hit a west coast target this time. 

09/10/02 Free to disagree The real heroes are never shown in the mainstream media. 

09/10/02 Syria says will not bow to U.S. terror law Bush has an excuse to invade

09/10/02 Israeli president: Iraq will probably strike at Israel if attacked by U.S. Iraq knows who is pushing the US into this war. For far too long Israel has tricked others into fighting its wars. It is high time Israel felt the pain of the wars it starts. 

09/10/02 Spitzer to keep pressure on Salomon Sacrificial offering up of SSM Chief Exec will not halt investigation into Citigroup. 

"Patriotism means being loyal to your country all the time and to its government when it deserves it."-- Mark Twain

09/10/02 Hey, we couldn't have prevented 9-11, honest! 

09/10/02 Police find cocaine on Noelle Bush "Bush was not arrested because police could not obtain sworn statements signed by the center's staff. A worker who found the suspected cocaine on Noelle Bush tore up a sworn statement she had written at the suggestion of one of her bosses, police said." 

09/10/02 Ebbers may lose severance $1.5 mill a year for being FIRED?!? 

09/10/02 No Crawfishing From a Unique Vernacular An agitated Vice President Cheney, in a tête-à-tête with NBC's Tim Russert on Sunday, said it was "reprehensible" that people would think the administration had "saved" its ammunition on Iraq to bring it out now, 60 days before an election. "So the suggestion that somehow, you know, we husbanded this and we waited is just not true," Cheney said. Now where would people get such a cockamamie idea? Well, maybe from White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. and Bush political adviser Karl Rove, who made the case to the New York Times's Elisabeth Bumiller last week that they pretty much did what Cheney said they didn't do -- waited patiently and deliberately to launch a long-planned rollout. "From a marketing point of view, you don't introduce new products in August," Card said. Added Rove: "The thought was that in August the president is sort of on vacation." 

From the "having your cake and eating it too" department

09/10/02 Intel patents anonymity server 

09/10/02 Intel chip to include antipiracy features 

09/10/02 Praying for Armageddon The rise of religious insanity. Hitler made good use of Christian fanatics.


Here is the original raw video tape that proves Andy Card and the White House are lying. Bush sits and does nothing until it is time to read the story about the goat.

09/9/02 U.S. Intercepts Al Qaeda-Bound Cell Phones Like Al Qaeda can't buy cell phones from a mail order house in Japan. 

09/9/02 Learning to love Big Brother 

09/9/02 Urban moving systems "Gone without a trace". A reminder of the part of the 9-11 attacks you were never supposed to know about. 

09/9/02 Shady moving firm gone, but left a lot 

The 5 Israeli spies arrested after being seen dancing and cheering at the collapse of the World Trade Towers worked for Urban Moving Systems, apparently as a cover. The day after 9-11, the owner of Urban Moving Systems simply abandoned his company and moved back to Israel. Owners of property kept in Urban Moving Systems storage areas had to go to the state government to have the locks cut off and their property returned to them. To abandon an ongoing business in its entirety to flee to Israel strongly suggests that Urban Moving Systems was one of the fronts for the Mossad's spy ring in the United States. IN hindsight, it's a great cover as moving vans pretty much come and go across the nation without attracting attention.


09/9/02 Borrowing by Americans Reaches Eight-Month High in July 

09/9/02 Saddam weaker now than before Gulf War, says report Easy pickings for the Chickenhawks

09/9/02 EU 'has used September 11 to curb dissent' 

09/9/02 Foreclosures at record high 

09/9/02 Global Eye -- Speak, Memory I'll bet the Iranians are sorry they ever agreed to that deal! 

09/9/02 France against publishing secret documents on Iraq's weapons programs "You'll just have to take our word for it!" 

09/9/02 Federal Agents Arrest Oregon Islamic Leader at Airport on Fraud Charges 

09/9/02 Ammonium Nitrate Reported Missing From Texas Company Does Dubya need to fertilize the ranch? 


09/9/02 EIGHT of the alleged September 11th Hijackers are Alive 

09/9/02 George Carlin on Bush War Worth a repeat. 

09/9/02 Iraq Denies It Trying to Produce Nuclear Bomb Interesting tidbit in the 15th paragraph. UN inspections for nuclear materials never stopped! The last one was in January of 2002. 

09/9/02 Corporate Paws Grab for Desktop The peer-to-peer folks have only themselves to blame. 

09/9/02 Can anyone confirm the authenticity of this transcript from the Bob Grant show? 

09/9/02 Sept. 11's Smoking Gun: The Many Faces of Saeed Sheikh 

09/9/02 The Chicken-Hawks in the no-fly zone. Another great shockwave file. 

09/9/02 Anti-Male Bias Increasingly Pervades US Culture Men have to be de-humanized and made to appear non-essential before they can be sent off to die in wars. 

09/9/02 Fighting for survival In Israeli-occupied territories, suicide bombing by Palestinians has become an act of survival against oppression. 

09/9/02 Iraq: U.S. Lying to Justify Attack 

09/9/02 Phony Tony caught lying about 193 Bilderberger trip. 

09/9/02 Latest fake Osama-did-it tape. Now, CNN is claiming that someone shot video of one of the hijackers who died on one of the 9-11 plane crashes in front of a photo of the damage to the Pentagon. Think about that one very carefully. All of a sudden terrorists living in caves, who have shot all of their previous videos using hand-held cameras with poor quality video, have chroma-key and other modern television post-production equipment? And note that the men claimed to be the hijackers in another portion of the video are wearing full beards, making confirmation of their identities impossible. Al Jazeera is refusing to reveal where they obtained this tape.

09/9/02 The banner on the Al Jazeera website shows that the photos of the hijackers superimposed on the video tape are the same photos the FBI has been using!. 

09/9/02 BBC: Impossible to verify voice on latest tape is bin Laden's. 

09/9/02 A reminder that previous tapes claiming to prove Osama's guilt turned out to be fakes. 

09/9/02 Oil Companies in Talks With Saudi Arabia to Save Gas Fields Deal 

09/9/02 War on Iraq May Split Anti-terror Coalition: Russian FM 

09/9/02 The Terrorists Flew and Bush Knew 

09/9/02 THE VIDEO OF BUSH BEING TOLD ABOUT THE SECOND PLANE IMPACT In the last few days, we have seen the media try to re-write history to make it appear that George W. Bush reacted promptly and decisively to the news that a second plane had hit the second WTC, the point where Bush himself states he realized America was under attack. Using highly edited video snippets and still photos of dubious authenticity (the time on the clock in the photos is not consistent with the claims of when the photos were taken) the media has tried to create an impression that Bush leapt into action upon realizing that America was being attacked. So, here is the original tape that all this spin and propaganda is trying to defeat. It clearly shows Andy Card stepping in to inform Bush about the second plane impact. Bush does not react. More to the point, Andy Card does not wait for any orders from his commander in chief, but steps right back out of frame as if he already knows Bush will not say or do anything immediately. Bush, by his own statement now aware that the US in under attack, simply sits, waits, and then reads a book about goats to the kids.

09/9/02 Leahy’s intelligence assessment: Mistakes were made That's what the official verdict on Pearl Harbor was, then 50 years later we find out the attack was a set-up.


09/9/02 Israel Named in US Industrial Espionage Report For the second successive year, Israel again features prominently in a joint CIA-FBI report on industrial espionage in the U.S. 

09/9/02 From 2000: Israel identified as "culprit" behind White House spying. 

09/9/02 From 1995: Israel's Unauthorized Retransfer of U.S. Technology Exposed We give US technology to Israel, Israel gives it to our enemies. 

09/9/02 Is Israel Really America's Friend? 

09/8/02 The JDL's online list of enemies. You remember the JDL, right? Irv Rubin? Blow up a US Congressman? Those guys! Here are some of the people they don't like. UPDATE: The JDL "enemies" web page has been reported to the FBI by one individual on the list. 

09/9/02 Pundit Pap: 'Weapons of mass distraction' "The public isn't buying it. Smirk's approval numbers are tanking -- particularly because of his irresponsible, insane foreign policy." 


09/9/02 Russia warns of veto on Iraq 

09/9/02 From last January: FBI Implicated in Anthrax Mailings Cover-up: Mueller Reports No Intention to Investigate Chief Suspect 

09/9/02 War in Iraq will trigger massive stock sell-off.

09/9/02 The Post-Petroleum Paradigm -- and Population Earth's oil is finite, and running out fast. (There IS another supply of complex hydrocarbons nearby, in the atmosphere of Jupiter.) 

09/9/02 Florida's embattled child-welfare agency -- the Department of Children & Families -- employs at least 183 people who have been arrested and punished for an array of felonies including child molestation, child abuse, sex crimes, drug dealing, even welfare fraud against the agency itself! 

09/9/02 Is NewsMax Corrupt? Using the standards NewsMax itself applies to the New York Times, absolutely.

09/9/02 Pimps charge 'transfer fees' for women 

09/9/02 ADL Condemns Iranian Report That Blames Israeli Mossad for "Organizing" Attacks Against Jews in France Methinks the ADL doth protest too much!

09/9/02 Former weapons inspector: Iraq not a threat

09/9/02 Chickenhawks 

09/9/02 The Internet on probation : Anti-terrorism drive threatens Internet freedoms worldwide 

09/9/02 The Seven Pillars Of Jewish Denial Maybe they wouldn't always be in danger if they learned how to get along with their neighbors. 

09/9/02 Evidence against Iraq: Do you believe it? Even the BBC is starting to doubt. 

09/9/02 Sept. 11 Families Criticize Bush on Civil Rights Bush using their pain to impose draconian surveillance.

09/9/02 NewsMax: Iraq Linked to 9-11 and Oklahoma City Bombing ... and Earthquakes. Saddam makes Earthquakes. Yea, that's it. And he has a tornado-making machine in his bedroom closet right next to his Viagra pills. And Saddam steals socks from your dryer and tears the tags from your seat cushions, and he gasses puppy dogs and drowns kittens! And he has bad breath and farts in elevators, too! (ahem) NewsMax has clearly sold out to the warmongers. Any attempt to link Iraq to the Oklahoma Bombing runs into an immediate problem with the additional bombs and the second Ryder truck inside a US military facility. If Iraq is behind the OK City bombing, why is the US Government covering up for them?

Click for more about the OK City bombing 

09/9/02 Tourist videotapes Washington Monument: Security forces go on alert. 

09/9/02 Arabs see Israeli hand behind US plan to attack Iraq Wow! You think?

09/9/02 Violent protests force cancellation of Netanyahu speech Hmmm. Why Netanyahu and not Sharon? 

09/9/02 Vatican: No war on Iraq unless the United Nations allows the use of force Which Russia will veto. Bush is checkmated. He cannot proceed with this war without looking like a criminal aggressor to the rest of the world. Bush needs a staged provocation. Without it, his war is over before it begins.

09/9/02 There's a seeker born every minute 

09/9/02 Israeli tanks push into Gaza hours before key speech by Arafat Just a coincidence, I am sure.

09/9/02 British Government caught in human experimentation scandal! "The police are to investigate gruesome allegations that military scientists at a top secret Ministry of Defence research facility used old and sick people as guinea pigs in germ warfare experiments. Porton Down is already at the centre of another police investigation - Operation Antler - which concerns the duping of servicemen with the deadly sarin and tabun nerve gas, mustard gas, CS and CR riot gas, LSD and another mind-binding drug believed to be known as BZ. According to intelligence sources, more than 400 complaints and allegations have been made from surviving servicemen and women covering a period of time from the 1950’s right up to 1989." This makes Blair's clam to oppose Saddam's biological weapons the rankest hypocrisy!

09/9/02 Polls show decline in support for Bush as fears mount in America Bush can't wait until after the elections. 

09/9/02 Iraq takes reporters out to buildings shown in latest Bush "proof" photos. Mushrooms. 

09/9/02 Britain And US Ready To Invade Iraq Alone Says Blair Not to reopen old wounds but a lot of my ancestors shot up a lot of his ancestors so that I wouldn't have to have Blair make decisions on my behalf.

09/9/02 British Use of Chemical Weapons in Iraq So why isn't Bush dropping bombs on London? 

09/9/02 Israeli Moles Behind 911 And Iraq War "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11. 

09/9/02 Mexico pulls out of Rio Security treaty

09/9/02 French leader offers formula to tackle Iraq If it doesn't give Bush the oil, then it won't be accepted. 


09/9/02 US intercepted nuke shipment for Iraq: Cheney Ship not identified, nor what was actually on it, nor where the ship was supposedly intercepted, etc. etc. etc. Just an empty claim. Without fissionables, a nuclear bomb is just fancy machine work. With fissionables, ANY tool can be used in the construction of a nuclear bomb, including screwdrivers, wrenches, and other common items. This latest story is another attempt to create a justification for a war where none exists. 

09/9/02 Woman claims to be Saddam's mistress and saw Osama meet with Saddam. And JUST when the US needed it, too! What ever happened to the news story where Osama ripped into Saddamn for being a "Bad Muslim?"

09/9/02 "We know what's there, but can't let you see it. You're just going to have to trust us - really." 

09/9/02 US may use Israeli army bases against Iraq I guess "someone" has been reading this site! 


09/9/02 Scott Ritter The controversial former chief U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq says Saddam's weapons of mass destruction are largely disarmed, the "Iraqi threat" is built on a framework of lies and President Bush has betrayed the American people. 

09/9/02 Administration Says Time Is Short to Act Against Iraq I told you they couldn't wait.

09/9/02 ''9/11: The day the earth stood still'' On that date this year, a dense, almost impenetrable fog will descend over the entire United States. All thinking will stop. 

09/9/02 Victims' groups irate over prosecutors' deal with Catholic Church 

09/9/02 Adventures of Fluffy, American Dissident Cat 

09/9/02 New article on USS Liberty attack reveals US initially blamed Egypt and almost attacked! A maritime Lavon affair

09/9/02 Officials: No cause for alarm over Iraq Views contrast Bush warnings; U.S. intelligence data questioned 

09/9/02 The History of the October Surprise 

09/9/02 Kharrazi : U.S. Organizing Terrorist Groups, Bandits Against Iran 

09/9/02 Blair "deeply embarrassed" over falling for fake Bush evidence Phony Tony get suckered. 

09/9/02 War View: US could snatch defeat from jaws of victory From November 2001. Notice the attempt to link the Anthrax to Iraq, before lab tests proved the Anthrax came from the US itself. 

09/9/02 RIGHT-WING OPPOSITION TO THE ICC "Right- wing opposition to the ICC in the United States is not wholly a result of egoism and unilateralism, it is in the interest of protecting the ability of a few to profit from war. " 

09/9/02 Purported German Intelligence documents admit US war in Afghanistan was about oil, indicate Mossad involvement in 9-11. "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11. 

09/9/02 Steve Goldstein equates those who question the official story of 9-11 with "Holocaust deniers". Getting pretty desperate there, Mr. Goldstein. Scared something might come out? "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11. 

09/9/02 October Surprise: It really did happen! Moscow knew what was going on. 

09/9/02 October Surprise: Finally, Time for the Truth

09/9/02 9-11 victims' families ask for peace 

09/9/02 Rationale for Iraq war unconvincing This is significant, appearing as it does in a staunchly conservative newspaper. 

09/9/02 Bush’s family ties to shady bank BCCI help explain his “success.” in the oil biz 

09/9/02 Israel concerned with "racial purity" "They convened to encourage the Jewish women of Israel - and only them - to increase their child bearing, a project which, if we judge from the activity of the previous council, will also attempt to stop abortions. Does this remind you of anything? " 

Now that you mention it, this DOES remind me of something!

Click for larger image
Honor Cross of the German Mother, gold class, awarded by Hitler to German women who produced "pure" German children in large numbers, first awarded to Magda Goebbels. 

"We cannot allow a country which controls 10% of the world's oil to possess nuclear weapons." -- Joe Hockey on Australian TV this morning. 

09/9/02 Our Insane Focus on Iraq

09/9/02 Just sitting and waiting for Gulf War II There's no sign that Sharon seriously intends to capitalize on the moment of opportunity which he himself has noted. He prefers to wait until the new order that Bush intends to create in the region brings him more suitable negotiation partners or terms. 

09/9/02 Army National Guard plans to transform some of its tank units to light-infantry units that can be rapidly sent to military hot spots in the United States or abroad 

09/9/02 The Whores of War 

09/9/02 Iraq's struggle Despite the sufferings of the past 11 years, Iraq seems undaunted by the sanctions imposed on it. 

09/9/02 Allied Airstrike Hits Iraq Facility "The command called it 'a self-defense measure in response to Iraqi hostile threats and acts against coalition forces and their aircraft.' " That sounds good, but since the UN has never actually authorized the US to enforce "no-fly" zones, the hard fact is tat under international law, the US in invading Iraq's air space and Iraq is shooting at them, as we ourselves would do if the warplanes of any other nation flew into our air space without permission.

09/9/02 Armitage's "A-team" comment draws sharp criticism. 

09/9/02 Lebanese Druze leader believes CIA, Mossad responsible for US attacks

09/9/02 Israel 52nd Year: Spying and Killing Machines for Rent "If It Is Immoral or Illegal, Let The Israelis Do It" -- CIA 

09/9/02 The answer to every problem: Bomb Iraq 

09/9/02 New movie about Hitler shows that monsters are not born, they are made. Remember, Hitler looked just as good to the Germans of 1933 as Bush looks to Americans today. 

09/9/02 Gumfight raging at the Not-OK Corral The U.S. Secret Service says a designated demonstration area is supposed to be for all demonstrators, yet only those approximately 40 people who carried signs criticizing President Bush were put behind a fence when the presidential motorcade came by. 

09/9/02 Queer 'Settlers' Land on Berkeley Starbucks - Analogy to Israeli Colonists You know, they DO have a point! 

09/9/02 Media Censorship and a Free Press in America Or why you need web sites like this one! No corporation owns this web site. There is no advertising. We don't sell anything. We don't support any particular political party. We stamp on lies. All the lies. Because the Constitution does not authorize the US Government to lie to the people. 

09/9/02 The Birth of America's National Bank. 

09/9/02 The United States pioneered the public relations industry. Its commitment was "to control the public mind"

09/9/02 IRS Kicks Back Corporate Fines Top 1% Benefits by Latest Bush Tax Idea Ever wonder why it is that when a company gets caught lying to, and/or cheating investors that they so often settle the case quickly, agreeing to pay millions of dollars back but "without admitting or denying" they did anything wrong? Simple - because the IRS kicks back a big hunk of the fine to them in the form of a tax write off. 

09/9/02 Saudis block access to gas fields "Why, why, if they do that, they must be in cahoots with the TERRORISTS! INVADE! BOMB! KILL! DRILL!" 

09/9/02 Mutual funds vanishing at record rate 

09/9/02 Where are the new paths to prosperity Letting people keep their money so they can buy stuff with it is a good start. 

09/9/02 Saddam in the cross hairs Last paragraph: "If we just let our own vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and we don't try to be clever and piece together clever diplomatic solutions to this thing, but just wage a total war against these tyrants, I think we will do very well, and our children will sing great songs about us years from now." -- Michael Ledeen 

09/9/02 Remarks by Douglas J. Feith, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, at American Israel Public Affairs Committee "Yes, boss. Yes, boss. Certainly, boss. Anything you say, boss." 

09/9/02 Goering Up to Leave the Country "Why, of course the people don't want war ... but, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament or a communist dictatorship ... voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger."-- Hermann Goering 

09/9/02 Alan Dershowitz: Off the Deep End Was Dershowitz' new book ghost written by the Mossad? 

09/9/02 Doubt cast on PM's 'nuclear threat' claim Phony Tony got burned relying on Bush's "Intelligence." 

09/9/02 Overreaching by the executive branch is tipping the balance away from protecting Americans' precious freedoms.



09/9/02 Timecop 

09/9/02 U.S. reprisal to be 'annihilation' "U.S. officials have warned the Iraqi dictator that he and his country face 'annihilation' if he deploys a weapon of mass destruction." Setup for a staged provocation involving a nuke?

09/9/02 By attacking Iraq, the US will invite a new wave of terrorist attacks Which justifies more invasions of oil nations. 

09/9/02 On the tracking devices the spooks may put in your car.

09/9/02 Photo proves USS Cole moored in highly vulnerable position. `This high resolution photograph from Aden puts to bed the myth that two Arabs working for terrorist "Master Mind" Osama Bin Laden, stood to attention as their little rubber boat rammed the USS Cole after "quickly leaving the jetty [in Aden]". Which Jetty? The USS Cole is tied up to the outermost buoy, literally miles from shore, in a terribly vulnerable position.' More on the inconsistencies regarding USS Cole HERE

09/9/02 From October 2000, look who was in charge of USS Cole "Investigation". 

09/9/02 Malaysia To Use Gold Dinar in Trade With Islamic Nations 

09/8/02 10,000 show up at San Francisco Peace Rally

09/8/02 Field Manual Detailing Military Police Actions Published just 6 weeks before 9-11 

09/8/02 MKULTRA

09/8/02 US Government caught lying again! It wasn't Karzai's US bodyguards who saved him after all. 

09/8/02 New laws introduced by Pakistan's military leader to prevent Benazir Bhutto from contesting next month's elections are likely to result in a hung parliament Another despot propped up by the US. 

09/8/02 Rough justice for many in US 

09/8/02 Stocks stink! Dow's real value is about 5000. 

09/8/02 A case study in pro-Israel media bias "The op/eds published in The Atlanta Journal Constitution between March 18, 2002 and April 14, 2002, strongly reflect the official pro-Israeli position on the Middle East crisis. In what they mention, how they mention it, and what they fail to mention, they remain faithful to the official pro-Israeli position and present very little that is original on what the root causes of the crisis are, why the violence has persisted, and what may be done to bring the conflict to an end." 

09/8/02 www.stopamerica.org shut down I have a mirror of this website. I don't see anything about information that could help terrorists. 

09/8/02 PHOTOS AND VIDEOS OF JAPANESE MIDGET SUBMARINE OUTSIDE PEARL HARBOR While the existence of the submarine fired on by USS Ward has long been accepted as fact by Pearl Harbor historians, the official US Government view has remained that the sighting was "unconfirmed". The reason is obvious. With hard evidence that the USS ward did indeed sight and sink a Japanese midget submarine operating in a restricted zone, the US Government is left trying to explain why the Pearl Harbor facility was not put on immediate alert, which would have changed the outcome of the Japanese air attack, still an hour away.

09/8/02 Call to victims of Israeli cyber terrorism

09/8/02 A phone call to the Federal Reserve 

09/8/02 Italy grinds to a halt as millions join strike We need one of those strikes here. 


09/8/02 Military shipment bound for Iran returns to Israel Israel changed the name of the ship, hoping nobody would notice. 

09/8/02 Lost History: Reagan-Bush Crime Syndicate 

09/8/02 A Year Later: It's Happening Here Milestones on the Road to a Military Government in the United States 

09/8/02 Remember that wild drunken party between United States Secret Service agents and underage girls? Hooo boy were THEY taught a lesson about obeying the laws! 

09/8/02 Remember when John Hinckley took a shot at President Reagan? Guess who his brother was having dinner with! 

09/8/02 In the mood to remember what 9-11 did to our nation? Remember this. 

09/8/02 Overview of changes to Legal Rights under the Patriot Act 

09/8/02 Copyright law may get rolled back.

09/8/02 THE DOORS OF PERCEPTION: WHY AMERICANS WILL BELIEVE ALMOST ANYTHING Obviously, this does not apply to anyone who has found their way to this web site. 

09/8/02 U.S. Diplomatic and Commercial Relationships with Iraq, 1980 - 2 August 1990 Odd how the US and Saddam were buddy-buddy not too long ago. 

09/8/02 Leave no one behind? Don't bet on it Lt. Cmdr. Michael Scott Speicher may have been shot down over Iraq by "friendly fire". Is he still alive, or just Bush's version of "Old Shoe" from "Wag The Dog." 

09/8/02 Persian Gulf Oil and Gas Exports Fact Sheet The Persian Gulf holds 2/3 of the world's oil reserves. 

09/8/02 A Propagandist Hitler would have been Proud of: Columnist Kathleen Parker 

09/8/02 The enemy of my enemy is my customer: Iraq and the Bush administrations

09/8/02 TERRORIST ZIONIST THUGS COMMIT COMPUTER CRIMES Including attacks on this site. 

09/8/02 Nasty truths about a crude war

09/8/02 Thanks for everything, Osama. Regards, Ariel

09/8/02 On Anti-Male Bias 

09/8/02 The hidden data in your driver's license 

09/8/02 4000 Israeli's told to "stay home" before the New York disaster Originally dismissed as a false story, it later came out that only one Israeli died in the actual 9-11 attacks; a passenger on one of the jet planes. The numbers of Israeli dead cited by Bush and Israeli representatives all turned out to be exaggerations. In one case, that of the Odigo software company, an Israeli company with offices located just a few blocks from the World Trade towers, the arrival of an advance warning before the hijacked planes had even taken off is an established fact.

09/8/02 ACTUAL RECORDING OF DAN RATHER LYING TO AMERICA ABOUT THE JFK ASSASSINATION Dan Rather, at the time an unknown newscaster from a small market Texas TV station, viewed the Zapruder film, then described it to America on the CBS network. As this recording of that broadcast shows, Rather lied to all of America in claiming that the head shot pushed John F. Kennedy's head forward. Rather's meteoric rise to network status and stardom soon followed. When the Zapruder film was finally shown publicly, during Jim Garrison's trial of CIA agent Clay Shaw, Rather's lie was revealed for all to see. WAV format. 

09/8/02 9-11 memories of a New York firefighter. "On the last trip up a bomb went off. " 

09/8/02 U.S. Operations Underway and Under Wraps in Remote Eastern Province "It's the Americans," grumbled Bahader, a stocky, gray-haired employee. "Every day they are firing, searching homes, bothering people. Everyone wants them to leave," he said. 

09/8/02 The New Military and the New Paradigms These days the military has become a publicly funded career option for professional soldiers and soldier bureaucrats. The military no longer confines itself to the defense of the US. It has taken an active role in the internal struggles of other countries, often working closely with the Central Intelligence Agency to shore up military juntas and autocratic regimes against the citizens of those countries.

09/8/02 PBS purges Web content on Israeli disapproval 


09/8/02 BREAKING: US GOVERNMENT HAD INFORMANT LIVING WITH ALLEGED HIJACKERS! If the FBI had an informant living with the alleged hijackers, then one of only two cases must apply. In the first case, as happened during the first WTC bombing, the FBI knew the terrorist act was about to occur and ordered the informant to allow it to happen, OR, someone other than the alleged hijackers was really behind the attacks on the World Trade Center. "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11. 

09/8/02 White House: Bush misstated report on Iraq Okay, let's call a spade a spade. President Bush LIED TO YOU. He took a photo and made untrue claims about it then ascribed those claims falsely to a UN organization to make those claims appear to be authoritative. Bush lied to you, to trick you into giving him your money and your children for his war to control Mideast oil. And he will go on lying to you until one of two things happens; either he gets the war he wants, or someone makes Bush stop lying. 

09/8/02 THE POLLARD AFFAIR LINKED TO THE 911 ATTACKS There is now firm evidence that the ongoing drive to induce President George W. Bush to launch a war against Iraq, is a 1996 Israeli government policy that is being foisted on the President by a nest of Israeli agents inside the U.S. government. 

09/8/02 Nest of Israeli agents inside U.S. government behind drive for war against Iraq! (must read material) 

09/8/02 Afghan Commander Gets Indoor Pool A dozen chandeliers, pillars inlaid with colored glass and a diving board complete with spiral staircase and fake ivy curling up the banister. Life can be good when you sell your soul to your nation's conquerors.

09/8/02 Okay, so, six months was a lie. Would you believe 9 years? Searching for an exit strategy? 

09/8/02 Chemical warfare; bad only when the other guys do it. 

09/8/02 Former weapons inspector: Iraq not a threat Ritter may find himself arrested for treason if he ever goes back to the US. 

09/8/02 Accused Terrorist May Have Been FBI Informant 

09/8/02 Anthrax Killer Outlasting The Hunters It's easy to elude the hunters when the hunters do not want to find the prey

09/8/02 Most Canadians think US partly responsible for terror strikes. 

09/8/02 Cheney 'Stiffs' Judge Emmet Sullivan - Moving Towards Contempt The reason should be obvious. The planned invasion of Iraq being cheered by Cheney is about energy. It is likely that the plan to create a war was discussed in the energy task force meetings.

09/8/02 Bush to tell UN to disarm Saddam Translation: Bush will invade anyway no matter what the UN does. 

09/8/02 US pushes Middle East arms sales Sell them weapons, then declare war and bomb them for having those weapons. 

09/8/02 Iran to stage defensive exercise against nuclear attacks Now who in that part of the world has nuclear weapons and does not like Iran, I wonder? 

09/8/02 Jesuits pay $7.5 million in abuse settlement. 

09/8/02 Uncertainties abound in pinpointing the real enemy A year after the 9/11 attacks on the United States, we know remarkably little about the attackers, or about who really organized the complex operation that seems well beyond the capabilities of amateur terrorists. 

09/8/02 U.S. officials worried by lack of Iraqi weapons evidence Me too.

09/8/02 9/11 Survivor Describes Multiple Explosions 

09/8/02 New Seismic Data Refutes Official WTC Explanation Two unexplained "spikes" in the seismic record from Sept. 11 indicate huge bursts of energy shook the ground beneath the World Trade Center's twin towers immediately prior to the collapse. 


09/8/02 Israel's nuclear weapons program: no angry west, no inspectors, no sanctions, just more aid 

09/8/02 What about all the UN resolutions Israel has violated? 

09/8/02 The 9-11 White Van and the arrested Israeli spies. 'Said one of the men, denying that they were laughing or happy on the morning of Sept. 11, "The fact of the matter is we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event." ' 

09/8/02 US pours arms into Gulf region 

09/8/02 Iraq war will send gas prices soaring But then, that's part of the plan.

09/8/02 BushBlair: "Irresponsible" not to invade Iraq. 


09/8/02 USS Cole in Aden - Another USS Liberty? "Though the Pentagon does not yet have full details, current analysis is that the USS Cole was attacked in a "false flag" operation designed to drag America into the current Middle East conflict, firmly in the side of Israel. " 

09/8/02 Ruler of Kandahar may have been killed during Karzai assassination attempt. 

09/8/02 California’s Supreme Court is considering ordering a new trial into the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy. Will the new trial look for the woman in the polka dot dress, and will it examine why witnesses to that woman were being intimidated into silence

09/8/02 Was 9-11 the Result of a Sabotage, not Failure of, Intelligence? After all, Bush did call the FBI 

09/8/02 Bush officials: First-strike justified "We need that oil to keep from going bankrupt!" 

09/8/02 The October Surprise Same players. 

09/8/02 Government-linked 'suicide' probed Vince Foster wasn't the first.

09/8/02 A rumour of war. Saddam Hussein wants his forces to hunker in Baghdad, to create what US security expert Kenneth Pollack disturbingly describes as a "Mesopotamian Stalingrad".

09/8/02 More false flag Mossad operations. 

09/8/02 Good site on the John F. Kennedy assassination. The second section has an audio recording of Dan Rather's broadcast to the nation in which he lied by stating that John Kennedy's head was pushed forward by the head shot. As the Zapruder film, which Rather had seen just prior to his report, clearly shows, Kennedy's head move back from the shot. And my JFK info is HERE

09/8/02 Iran accuses U.S. of exploiting Sept. 11 attacks to settle accounts 

09/8/02 Israel issues blacklist of Palestinian lawmakers 

09/8/02 PROPAGANDA WARS Flood of lies preceding Iraq attack threatens to drown us in bullsh*t 

09/8/02 The Highway of Death How the US blocked and attacked a retreating convoy AFTER the war was over! “There are also indications that some of those bombed during the withdrawal were Palestinians and Iraqi civilians. According to Time magazine of March 18, 1991, not just military vehicles, but cars, buses and trucks were also hit. In many cases, cars were loaded with Palestinian families and all their possessions.” 

09/8/02 Mohammed Atta met Darth Vader prior to September 11: US official Okay, okay, Atta was supposed to have met Saddam, but it's still fantasy and I like my version better. 

09/8/02 End the Injustices That Feed Terrorism, Says Pope Quit screwing around with other people's countries and the terrorists will go home. 

09/8/02 U.S. Senate Candidate Arrested on Firearms Charges 

09/8/02 A moment of silence for the First Amendment There will be more such confrontations for those who want no more war. 

09/8/02 I scream, you scream, Bush screams for ice cream A friend said not to worry about George W. Bush ordering an invasion of Iraq. "He's like a child who wants ice cream," she said. 

09/8/02 George Carlin on Bush War 

09/8/02 Sharon rules out dismantling even rogue settlements 


09/8/02 Israelis and U.S. Zionists Escalate Cyber Warfare 

09/8/02 Israel Refuses Permission for 12 Palestinian Lawmakers to Travel to Parliamentary Session

In 2000, oil industry expert Dr. Colin Campbell lectured in Germany on the peak of world oil production. Now you can read this compelling lecture. Read the evidence that we have used half of the oil on the planet in 100 years. Read The Transcript 

09/8/02 Scuds turned on Israel as Saddam girds for war I guess Iraq's government knows who is really calling the shots in this war.

09/8/02 IRAQ: THE LYING GAME John Pilger on the deceit used to justify a war against Saddam Hussein 

09/8/02 The real goal is the seizure of Saudi oil 

09/8/02 More on the 100 plane raid. 

09/8/02 Ex-arms inspector defends Iraq The man who was actually there and saw for himself... 

09/8/02 Photos of massive works at Qatar Air Base prove war planned for far wider scope than just Iraq. 

09/8/02 Brauchli: Bush, Musharraf are disturbingly similar 

09/8/02 Questions for the Commander in Chief Even if Hussein has nukes, does he have the capability to reach New York or Los Angeles or Atlanta? No, he cannot.. Maybe he can reach Israel, but if Israel would learn how to get along with its neighbors that might not be a problem. If it is a problem, it's Israel's problem. 

09/8/02 The Long and Short of It The War on Terrorism Began So Well. Then the Focus Changed. What Is the Bush Administration Aiming to Do Now? 

09/8/02 Powell Slams Ritter's Speech to Iraq When you say what the US Government wants you to say, you're a hero. If you speak the truth, you're an instant enemy. 

09/8/02 Another National Guard unit activated. Third item down 

09/8/02 Goss sees further probe of intelligence failures Translation: "Let's pretend to investigate what we pretend is an intelligence failure." 

09/8/02 Taliban 'warned US of huge attack' Kinda hard to blame the people trying to warn you, but that's just what Bush did. 

09/8/02 How did Iraq get its weapons? We sold them THE US and Britain sold Saddam Hussein the technology and materials Iraq needed to develop nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction. 

09/8/02 A well down history of geography of Israel/Palestine. Real Media 

09/8/02 Selling the war that nobody wants. "From a marketing point of view, you don't introduce new products in August," said Andrew H. Card Jr., the White House chief of staff who is coordinating the effort. 

09/8/02 Words of wisdom for the masses. 

09/8/02 US using Afghanistan as anti-Iran launch-pad: minister 

09/8/02 Making His Case - President Bush has to take on Congress before he can take out Saddam. In this high-stakes election season, that means playing hardball Read this spin very carefully. What TIME is suggesting is that if Bush cannot persuade the Congress to support the war, that he must coerce them into it! 

09/8/02 Britain and US ready to fight alone - Blair Let's drop Bush and Blair into Baghdad and let them "Go it alone"

09/8/02 The Sagmeister's News